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EQ952-15 Storytelling Drama for Education

Department Education Studies

Level Taught Postgraduate Level

Module leader Cheryl Cane

Credit value 15

Module duration 5 weeks

Assessment 100% coursework

Study location University of Warwick main campus, Coventry


The storytelling drama for education module offers an opportunity to explore the potential for learning through practical drama exploration. The module explores a range of theoretical lenses through which narrative and culture can be critically examined making links between practical drama exploration and theoretical positioning. Due to its emphasis on practical drama exploration, it encourages students to consider how storytelling exploration can offer learning opportunities, and to consider how meanings are made, communicated and / or constructed through story.

Principle Module Aims and Outcomes

Through this module, students will explore the role of story and narrative in contemporary and historical traditions relevant to performance and education. They will develop understanding of the didactic and pedagogic claims of storytelling with particular reference to the notion of traditional stories arising from the oral tradition. It is a module that offers opportunities to develop systematic understanding whilst applying practical techniques for real-world situations. The module concludes with a self-selected storytelling challenge planning a storytelling drama workshop for a particular target group.


This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

This module introduces students to relevant theories and practices examining the use of story and storytelling drama for education. Through a series of practical workshops and individual tasks, students will discuss sources and versions of traditional tales to examine the particular cultural narratives that they build. The module will consider the various choices open to the practitioner or teacher that can present educational potential. The module is highly practical with all students engaging in workshops examining traditional tales from various cultures. The work of Professor Joe Winston is an integral part of this course. This module will appeal to anyone who is interested in storytelling for educational purposes whether as a practitioner or a teacher.

Study time
Type Required
Seminars 5 sessions of 3 hours (10%)
Other activity 35 hours (23%)
Private study 100 hours (67%)
Total 150 hours
  Weighting Study time
Reflections on workshop plan 50% 20 hours
Present a workshop plan 50% 15 hours