Reading List
Independent Self-study Module (* = highly recommended)
Ainscow, M. and West, M. (eds.) (2006) Improving Urban Schools, Open University Press: Maidenhead.
* Ball, S.J., Maguire, M. & Braun, A. (2012) How Schools Do Policy: Policy Enactments in Secondary Schools. Abingdon: Routledge.
Ball, S. (2008) The Legacy of ERA, Privatization and the Policy Ratchet. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. 36(2), 185-200.
* Bell, L. and Stevenson, H. (2006) Educational Policy: Process, themes and impact, London, Routledge. – extremely useful book
Black, P and Wiliam, D (1998) Inside the Black Box London: School of Education, King’s College, University of London
Chapman, C., and Gunter, H. (2008) Radical Reforms: A Decade of Educational Change. London: Routledge
Forde, C, McMahon, M and Reeves, J (2009) Putting Together Professional Portfolios, London: Sage.
Griffiths, V. (2000) The Reflective Dimension, International Journal of Educational Research, 33(5) 539-555.
Gunter, H. (2001) Leaders and Leadership in Education, Paul Chapman Publishing, London
Lingard, B. and Ozga, J. (Eds) (2006) The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Education Policy and Politics. London: RoutledgeFalmer
Middlewood, D. and Lumby, J. (2003) (eds.) Strategic Management in Schools and Colleges, London, Paul Chapman Publishing.
Moon, J. (2008) Critical Thinking: An exploration of theory and practice, London Routledge
Moon, J. (1999) Reflection in Learning and Professional Development, Kogan Page, London.
Pollard, A. (2002) Readings for Reflective Teaching, Continuum, London
Scott, D (2000) Reading Educational Research and Policy London: RoutledgeFalmer
* Wallace, M. and Poulson, L. (eds.) (2003) Learning to Read Critically in Educational Leadership and Management, London, Sage. – extremely useful book
Whitty, G. (2008) ‘Twenty years of progress? English Education Policy 1988 to the Present’, Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, 36(2), 165-184.
Improving Urban Schools Module
Barker, B. (2007) The Leadership Paradox; Can school leaders transform student outcomes? School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 21-43
Bernstein (1970) Bernstein, B. (1970) ‘Education cannot compensate for society’, New Society, 26 February 1970, 344-47.
* Bush, T. et al. (2010) The Principles of Educational Leadership and Management: second edition, Sage.
* Bush T (2010) Theories of Educational Leadership and Management (fourth edition), Sage
Coe, R. (2009) School Improvement: reality and illusion, British Journal of Educational Studies, 57(4), pp 363–379
Davies, B. (ed.) (2005) The Essentials of School Leadership, London, Paul Chapman Publishing and Corwin Press.
Dimmock, C. (2012) Leadership, Capacity Building and School Improvement: Concepts, Themes and Impact. Abingdon: Routledge.
Driver, M. (2002). The learning organization: Foucauldian gloom or Utopian sunshine? Human Relations, 55(1), 33-55.
* Fitzgerald, T. and Gunter, H. (2008) Contesting the orthodoxy of teacher leadership, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 11 (4), 331 — 340
Fullan, M. (1993) The New Meaning of Educational Change (2nd edn), London, Cassell.
Fullan, M. (2003) The Moral Imperative of School Leadership, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Harris, A. (2005a) Teacher Leadership: More than Just a Feel-Good Factor? Leadership and Policy in Schools, 4(3), 201-219.
Harris, A. (2005b) Leading or Misleading? Distributed leadership and school improvement, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37(3), 255-265.
Harris, A. (2007) Distributed leadership: conceptual confusion and empirical reticence. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 10(3), 315-325.
Kotter, J. (1996) Leading Change, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
* Leithwood, K., Harris, A. and Hopkins, D. (2008) Seven strong claims about successful school leadership, School Leadership and Management, 28 (1), 27-42
Leithwood, K., Doris, J. and Steinbach, R. (1998) ‘Leadership and other conditions which foster organizational learning in schools’, in Leithwood, K. And Louis, K. (eds) Organizational Learning in Schools, Lisse, Swets and Zeitlinger.
Lumby, J. and English, F.G. (2010) Leadership as lunacy and other metaphors of educational leadership, Thousand Oaks, USA, Corwin.
* Mercer, J., Barker, B. and Bird, R. (2010) Human Resource Management in Education: contexts, themes and impact, London, Routledge.
Middlewood, D. and Lumby, J. (eds.) (2003) Strategic Management in Schools and Colleges, London, Paul Chapman Publishing.
Muijs, Daniel , Harris, Alma , Chapman, Christopher , Stoll, Louise and Russ, Jennifer (2004) 'Improving Schools in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Areas - A Review of Research Evidence', School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 15(2, 149 — 175
Sammons, P., Hillman, J. and Mortimore, P. (1995) Key Characteristics of Effective Schools: A reivew of school effectiveness research, London: a report by the Institute of Education for the Office for Standards in Education.
Schein, E. (2004) Organisational Culture and Leadership, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Spillane, J.P., Halverson, R. and Diamond, J.B. (2004) Towards a theory of leadership practice: a distributed perspective, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 36 (1), 3-34.
Thrupp, M. (2001a) Sociological and Political Concerns about School Effectiveness Research: Time for a New Research Agenda, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 7-40.
Thrupp, M. (2001b) Recent School Effectiveness Counter-critiques: problems and possibilities, British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 443-457.
Research Methods
* Briggs, A., Coleman, M. and Morrison, M.(eds.) (2012) Research Methods in Educational Leadership, Third Edition, London, Sage.
Gorard, S. (2001) Quantitative Methods in Educational Research: The role of numbers made easy, London : Continuum.
Hartas, D. (Ed) (2010) Educational Research and Enquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Continuum
* Mercer, J. (2007) The Challenges of Insider-Research in Educational Institutions: wielding a double-edged sword and resolving delicate dilemmas, Oxford Review of Education 33(1), 1-17.
* Middlewood, D. and Abbott, I. (2011) Achieving Success with Your Leadership Project, London, Sage.