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Taught postgraduate degrees in Education Studies

Develop in-depth knowledge of research-informed theory and gain real-world experience. Our close-knit department will support and prepare you for further study or innovative educational roles.

Our taught courses

Our research-informed Masters courses enhance your skills and open doors to fulfilling, challenging careers. Specialise in areas that support your professional needs and intellectual curiosity, whether in classrooms, alternative settings, or as a leader in education. Our programmes blend theory with real-world experience, preparing you for further study or innovative educational roles.

Why study a taught postgraduate course at Warwick?

Our staff are experts in Education - Your teaching will be backed by quality research

Our community is supportive, diverse and welcoming

Our students go on to have successful, impactful careers

Careers and Employability

Previous MA graduates have gone on to work in a wide-range of exciting careers including:Teaching at all levels in the UK and internationally, Educational Leadership roles, Educational settings with a global focus, Arts and Heritage roles, NHS roles, Charity and NGO work, Government educational provision, Counselling, Learning Support, Family Liason and Social Work, Training and Development roles, Social Research and Doctoral Study.