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Preparation for and responses to international student decline in fee-reliant higher education systems: The case of Australia and the UK

How do higher education systems and institutions that are reliant on fees from international students prepare for the potential loss of funding from tuition fees and, when such a loss occurs, respond to it? This exploratory project aims to collect evidence to study preparation for and responses to losses in higher education funding. This project looks at the system-level and institutional-level responses in the UK and Australia.

The project uses a multi-case study approach, with two universities from the UK and two from Australia. The case study approach in this project relies on interview data with stakeholders at each of the four universities, triangulated with policy and document analysis and supplemented by a literature review.

The project is funded by the Monash Warwick Alliance Activation Fund between 1/08/2023 and 31/07/2024. The research project team members are:

●Georgiana Mihut (PI), University of Warwick

●Joana Almeida (Co-PI), University of Warwick

●Zhe Chen (Research Assistant), University of Warwick

●Hongzhi Zhang (PI), Monash University

●Philip Wing Keung Chan (Co-PI), Monash University

●Laura Agudelo (Research Assistant), Monash University