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Mathematical Resilience Network - Brazil Branch

Professor Joao dos Santos Carmo, Dr Telma Para and Sue Johnston-Wilder are working on a chapter for a book in Portuguese.

Telma and Sue published an account of a study in Brazil:
Addressing Mathematics Anxiety: A Case Study in a High School in Brazil

Telma and Karina Lumena de Freitas Alves visited UK in 2023 for a project funded by CNPq to explore the one-to-one and group interventions developed in UK using the Mathematical Resilience Framework:
Building Mathematical Resilience for Inclusion - building bridges between Brazil and the UK
A significant minority (estimated at more than 30% of the world's population) are currently excluded or unattended, due to maths anxiety. The main question that guides us is how to include students with specific learning difficulties in
mathematics. How can we improve the teaching of mathematics by enabling the student to overcome their fear, anxiety, and difficulties in understanding the concepts? What strategies can we use to overcome these difficulties? We believe that developing new methodologies that take students out of their "mathematical comfort zone" and that promote mathematical resilience, including developing self-efficacy and coping skills, is key to dealing with mathematics anxiety. The project team was:

  • João dos Santos Carmo, Coordinator, UFSCar/SP, Brazil
  • Telma Pará, Postdoc, FAETEC/RJ, Brazil
  • Karina Lumena Alves, Ph.D. Student, UFSCar/SP, Brazil
  • Sue Johnston-Wilder, PI, Warwick University
  • Janet Baker, Arden University
  • Mark Hodds, Coventry University
  • Duncan Lawson, Coventry University