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Registration and online payment

The conference will be held on the 4th and 5th March 2016 at Scarman House, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL.

To get to campus from either the train or coach station you can either get a taxi (this takes approximately 15 minutes and can cost around £15) and most local taxi drivers will know the University and Scarman House, alternatively the number 12 bus comes onto campus from Coventry train station. If you are arriving by car, there is ample free car parking at Scarman House. Information about visiting the University of Warwick, including maps, can be found here.

Registration type Fee Price includes
1 day rate / non residential £45 Lunch and refreshments
2 day rate / non residential £90 Lunch and refreshments
Full conference including accommodation £190
Two conference days
One night accommodation
(including dinner, bed and breakfast)
Lunch and refreshments for both days
Dinner per night for the non residential £29 Dinner only for 4th March


Each registration also includes: carparking, wifi, business centre facilities, access to University sports facilties.

Bursaries (up to £250) are available for UK teachers and other contributors not covered by HEFCE funding. The bursary is for conference fees and travel costs to enable wider participation by practitioners. The bursary is conditional on being able (and accepted) to make a contribution to the conference. They will be allocated on a first-come first served basis. Please complete this alternative form if you wish to apply for a bursary,

Payment must be made to complete registration

This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions.

Thank you for your time.