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Raising awareness and meeting the needs of neurodivergent PGRs: Are we there yet?

There is a rising number of PGR students internationally who either have a formal diagnosis of neurodiversity or who self- identify as neurodivergent PGRs. University of Warwick has a thriving community of more than 2,500 PGRs and although there is currently no formal data on the numbers of PGRs who have a diagnosis of neurodiversity or self- identify as neurodivergent, based on related prevalence rates, it is anticipated that there would be more than 500 PGRs who may experience difficulties during their PGR studies related to neurodiversity. There is an increasing interest in how the needs of neurodivergent people are accommodated or met in school or employment, but there is limited research to date in Higher Education, especially at PGR level. This project, funded by Research England’s Enhancing Research Culture Fund, aims through the adoption of participatory and co-design research methods, to raise awareness and identify good practice at Institutional level in meeting the needs of neurodivergent PGRs and produce a set of recommendations to shape the development of neurodiversity Doctoral College policy.

Project Team

PI: Professor Olympia Palikara , Department of Education Studies

Co-Is: Cat Jones, Department of Education Studies; Vassilis Sideropoulos, UCL Institute of Education; Dr Georgia Pavlopoulou, PALS UCL

Project Funding

Research England’s Enhancing Research Culture Fund