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Project Details and Methods

Research Questions

The study will respond to the following research questions:

  1. Which universities offer Undergraduate teaching-related ‘taster’ modules/programmes?
  2. What models of these modules exist? (subjects, phases, activities, leadership, assessment, placements, incentives).
  3. What data are currently available to understand the impact of these modules on a) students’ likelihood of applying to postgraduate teacher-training and b) starting a teacher-training programme?
  4. What are the views of staff and students on the impact, opportunities and challenges associated with these modules?
  5. How could the government and universities develop this approach to facilitate more opportunities for ‘trying out teaching’? What recommendations can be made regarding the development of a national, accredited programme?

University staff questionnaire: If you are a member of staff in a university and you are involved in leading or contributing to UG school experience or teaching ‘taster’ modules, we’d love to hear from you. Please consider completing our short questionnaire.