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Sites of remembrance

The key site for remembrance of Coventry's war experience is the Memorial Park in Coventry. This is an extensive park opened to the public on 9 July 1921. It contains the war memorial built in memory of those who lost their lives in the 'Great War' 1914-1918 and latter the Second World War. The park contains the German Peace Garden, gifted by the West German Horticultural Federation, in 1962. Members of the Coventry German Circle assisted with the replanting of the garden. There are a further eighteen Peace Gardens around the City, each dedicated to one of the eighteen counties with whom Coventry shares a link.

To mark Coventry's close association with Volgograd a Volgograd Place was developed underneath a north eastern section of Coventry’s ring road, just up from the Transport museum.

Volgograd Place: Photo curtesy of Coventry Biennial

However it has now moved close to the city centre.

Photo curtesy of Olga Lawson and CAIF

A key historical link with Volgograd can be found in Coventry cathedral. This is the Stalingrad Madonna - an image of the Virgin Mary drawn by a German soldier, Kurt Reuber, in 1942 during the Battle of Stalingrad. The original is displayed in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin, while copies now hang in the cathedrals of Berlin, Coventry and Kazan Cathedral, Volgograd, as a sign of international reconciliation.

You can find other recognition of international links in Coventy. The pedestrian square outside the Magistrates Court is named Meschede Way and there is a small Lidice place in the central precinct. In the market place there is a mural gifted by Dresden in 1961 and the Volgograd memorial has been resited opposite Trinity Church, again in the city centre.

There are traces of Coventy in our twinned cities too. For example in Volgograd, Russia, there is the famous tablecloth in the Volgograd Panoramic Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad (see Volgograd). Volgograd also has a 'Coventry Street' (Ковентры ул), a short residential road on the banks of the Volga.

In Germany, Dresden's main road into the West of Dresden is 'Coventrystrasse'. There is a Coventrystrasse tramstop. In Kiel there is a Coventry-Halle sports hall in 1965 and in Meschede, with whom we have a friendship agreement, the Coventry-Brücke crosses the River Ruhr.

In Saint-Etienne, France there is a walk way, the Rue de Coventry, in the Parc de l'Europe.

In Parkes, Australia, there is the Coventry room and cultural centre a multi-purpose hall.

You can follow a peace trail that sets out international links in Coventry - click here for the booklet.