Key Books
Members of the Childhood Research Group have published some of the most important books in the field including:
Aubrey, C. (2011) Leading and Managing in Early Years Settings (9781849207546) London: Sage Publications
Lee, N. (2001) Childhood and Society: Growing Up in an Age of Uncertainty, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Lee, N. (2005) Childhood and Human Value: Development, Separation and Separability, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Prout, A. (2005) The Future of Childhood: Towards the Interdisciplinary Study of Children, London: Falmer Press.
Prout, A. (2000) (Ed) The Body, Childhood and Society, London: Macmillan. Key sections are to be translated into German.
James, A., Jenks, C. and Prout, A. (1998) Theorizing Childhood, Cambridge: Polity Press. Translated into Danish as Den Teoretik Barndom (Copenhagen: Monkgaard, 1999) and Italian as Teorizzare L'Infanzia (Rome: Donzelli Editore, 2002). 2nd Edition in preparation.
James, A. and Prout, A. (1997) Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociology of Childhood, 2nd Edition London and Philadelphia: Falmer Press (xvii + 260pp) (with Allison James).
Wilkie-Stibbs C (2002) The Feminine Subject in Children's Literature (0-415-92996-2) New York: Routledge.
Wilkie-Stibbs, C. (2007) The Outside Child In and Out of the Book (0-415-97800-9) New York: Routledge.
Wyness, M.(2012) Childhood and Society, Second Edition (978-0-230-23182-4) Basingstoke: Palgrave
Wyness M. (1999) Contesting Childhood (0203692446) London: Falmer Press
Recent Publications
These include:
Aubrey, C. (2010) 'Leading and working in multi-agency teams' in Contemporary issues in the early years, 209 - 224, Editors: Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (9781847875921), London: Sage
Aunio, P., Aubrey, C., Godfrey, R. A. Y., Pan, Y. and Liu, Y.(2008) 'Children's early numeracy in England, Finland and People's Republic of China ' International Journal Of Early Years Education 16 (3), 203 - 221 (0966-9760) [article]
Aubrey, C.(2008) 'Early childhood and care in England: when pedagogy is wed to politics ' Journal Of Early Childhood Research 6 (1), 7 - 21 (1476-718X)
Aubrey, C.(2008) 'HIV/AIDS, childhood and education' Journal of Psychology in Africa 18 (3), 499 - 502 (1433-0237)
Dr Dimitra Hartas (2012) 'Children’s social behaviour, language and literacy in early years' Oxford Review Of Education (0305-4985)
Dr Dimitra Hartas (2011) 'Inequality and the home learning environment: predictions about 7-year olds? language and literacy' British Educational Research Journal (0141-1926) [article]
Hartas, D. (2011) 'Children's language and behavioural, social and emotional difficulties and prosocial behaviour during the toddler years and at school entry' British Journal Of Special Education 38 (2), 83 - 91 (0952-3383) [article]
Hartas, D. (2011) 'Young people’s participation : is disaffection another way of having a voice?' Educational Psychology In Practice 27 (2), 103 - 115 (0266-7363) [article]
Lee, N.M.,Motzkau, J., (2012) 'The Biosocial Event: Responding to Innovation in the Life Sciences' Sociology (0038-0385)
Kullman, K. and Lee, N.M. (2012) 'Liberation from/ Liberation within: Examining One Laptop per Child with Sen and Latour' in Human Capabilities, Technology and Design, Editors: Oosterlaken, I. and van den Hoven, J., Berlin: Springer Verlag GmbH
Lee, N. and Motzkau, J.(2011) 'Navigating the bio-politics of childhood' Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 18 (1), 7 - 19 (0907-5682) [article]
Lee, N.(2009) 'Researching children's diets in England: critical methods in a consumer society' Qualitative Research in Psychology 6 (1-2), 88 - 104 (1478-0887)
Simmonds, R., Birchall, J., and Prout, A.(2011) 'User involvement in public services: choice about voice' Public Policy and Administration (0952-0767)
Prout, A.(2011) 'Taking a step away from modernity : reconsidering the new sociology of childhood' Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research (0907-5682) 1 (1), (1044-3983) [article]
Prout, A.(2008) 'Culture-nature and the construction of childhood' in The international handbook of children, media and culture, Editors: Drotner, K. and Livingstone, S. (9781412928328), Los Angeles ; London: Sage
Prout, A.(2008) 'Participation, policy and changing conditions of childhood' in Transforming learning in schools and communities : the remaking of education for a cosmopolitan society, Editors: Lingard, B., Nixon, J. and Ranson, S., London: Continuum Press.
Wilkie-Stibbs, C.(2011) 'Imaging Fear: from the brothers Grimm to the Gruffalo in 20th biennual IRSCL congress'
Wilkie-Stibbs, C.(2010) 'Splitting the difference: pleasure, desire and intersubjectivity in children's literature and film' in Theorising children's literature and film, Editors: Bradford & Mallan.
Wyness, M. (2013) 'Global Standards and Deficit Childhoods: The Contested Meaning of Children?s Participation' Children's Geographies 11 (3), (1473-3285).
Wyness, M. (2012) 'The Social Construction of Childhood: sociological approaches to the study of children and childhood' in Working with Children and Families, Editors: R. Adams, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Wyness, M. (2010) 'Children and young people's participation within educational and civic settings: a comparative case study approach to research' in Educational research and inquiry: qualitative and quantitative approaches, 159 - 169, Editors: Hartas, D. (9781441183798), London; New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
Wyness, M. (2009) 'Children representing children: participation and the problem of diversity in UK youth councils' Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 16 (4), 535 - 552 (0907-5682).