Who are we?
Sarah Dahl
Sarah Dahl's research interests are in early childhood; policy to practice issues in mathematics education; multiagency working in early childhood; infant sociability.
Dimitra Hartas
Dimitra Hartas' research interests include parental involvement with children's learning and the socio-economic mileu within which families operate; participation and voice in young people with disability, language difficulties and dyslexia and children's rights in the context of disability.
She teaches and conducts research in the areas of Special Educational Needs and Disability, and Research Methods. Currently, my research focuses on child development outcomes, eg, literacy, language and behaviour, parental support with learning and socio-economic factors. In the past, Dimitra completed two research projects on young people's participation regarding the evaluation of services and on student voice. She has been involved in a DFES-funded project (eg, electronic registration) and a Gatsby-funded project (eg, PGCE Plus) with colleagues from CEDAR. After obtaining her PhD from the University of Illinois in Chicago, she worked as a Developmental Diagnostician at the Kennedy Krieger Institute at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA), assessing children with a wide range of developmental and learning difficulties.
Nick Lee
Nick Lee's research interests are in Childhood and technology Climate change Antibiotic Resistance Biosocial relations
Michael Wyness
Dr Michael Wyness is Associate Professor in Childhood Studies at the Institute of Education. His general research interests are in the sociologies of Childhood and Education. His current book Childhood and Society (2006) published by Palgrave is going into a second edition. His previous books were Contesting Childhood (1999) and Schooling Welfare and Parental Responsibility (1995) both for FalmerRoutledge He has also published widely in a number of refereed journals. His current research interests are in three areas: children’s transitions; children and social and political participation and the social and emotional dimensions of schooling.
Carol Aubrey (Professor Emeritus)
Carol Aubrey's research interest are in children's policy and services; SEN/inclusion; and early mathematical development.
Carol Aubrey trained first as a primary school teacher and then as an educational psychologist. Later, she spent a number of years in primary initial teacher education with a particular focus on early childhood, first at University College Cardiff and then at The University of Durham, where she was Director of Post Graduate Certificate of Education for Primary (PGCE) and, for a while, Deputy and Acting Director of the School.