Dr Emmanuel Johnson
Visiting Research Fellow
Emmanuel Effiong Johnson is a Nigerian researcher, filmmaker and poet. His background is Media and Communications and he is committed to research that borders on the theme of personal experience. His other areas of focus include education, identity, belonging, film, faith/religion and everyday life. The most significant and reoccurring focus of Emmanuel's work is the exploration of personal (lived) experience, and how people are affected or/and transformed by events, situations and experiences. He is passionate about creative methods of research, like film, because it furthers expression, of self and ideas, encourages accessibility and engages with people in and out of the academe. Through his research practise, he aims to reach a wide audience of people, both academics and non-academics, while promoting values of self-expression and authenticity about human lived experience.
Email: Emmanuel.Johnson@warwick.ac.uk
Personal Site: www.johnsonee.com
Research Interests
Personal Experience; Education; Film; Identity; Belonging; Philosophy of Education; Faith and Religion; Autoethnography; Diasporic Identities; Migration; Student Experience; International Student Experience; African and Black Student Experience; Autobiographical Writing; Digital and Social Media; Poetry; Art-Research; Reflection; Authenticity; Accessibility in Research; Intercultural Relations
Education, Doctorate, Becoming Educated: An Autoethnography of Nigerian Student Experience Involving Participatory Film, Coventry University
24 Sept 2018 → 9 Feb 2023
Award Date: 9 Feb 2023
Communication, Culture and Media, MA, To Grow a Tree: An Exploration of International Student Experience in UK HE, Coventry University
16 Jan 2017 → 20 Jan 2018
Award Date: 19 Apr 2018
Media and Communications, Degree, The Good Lad: An Investigation of Lad Culture and Student Experience, Coventry University
Sept 2013 → May 2016
Award Date: 23 Nov 2016