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Dr Pontso Moorosi

Job Title
Associate Professor
Education Studies
+44 2476522497
Research Interests

Dr Moorosi's ongoing research straddles the field of gender in educational leadership and educational leadership broadly. She is particularly interested in the role played by schools and higher education institutions (as organisations) in developing leadership capabilities and shaping leader identities and in examining how social practices and policies in these workplaces continually and systematically exclude women and other marginalised groups from leadership. Her research is oriented towards challenging traditional notions of leadership that tend to exclude women and unearthing transformative practices that promote [gender] equity in educational leadership.


Dr Pontso Moorosi is an associate professor of educational leadership and management at the Centre for Education Studies. She teaches in educational leadership and education research methods that include practice-based research for school leaders and non-practitioner research for postgraduate students interested in studying leadership as an academic discipline. This influences the deconstruction of leadership in her teaching to enable students to engage leadership as a socially constructed process. Key to this focus is the ability to engage alternative perspectives to developing leadership capabilities and leadership identities.

Dr Moorosi joined the CES with international experience from higher education and schools from Africa and Canada (from her brief postdoctoral exposure). Her background shapes her perspectives towards access and equity in education as well as her engagement with students from diverse local and international contexts (see her PG supervisions below). She recently completed a research project on leadership preparation and development in Africa and another one on cross-cultural intersections of leadership among black women leaders across three continents.

Professional Associations

She reviews regularly for peer-reviewed publications and serves on editorial boards. She is an active member of British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) and co-convenor of the Gender in Leadership research interest group. She is also a member of Women Leading Education Network (an international network with global membership from all continents).

Title Funder Award start Award end
Preparing School Leaders: the African Perspective British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) 01 Sept 2012 31 Aug 2013

Office hours:
Fridays 11am to 1pm