Robert Jackson has directed research projects funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Leverhulme Trust, the Arts and Humanities Research Board/Council, the British Academy and various charities including the All Saints Educational Trust and the Westhill Endowment Trust. funded research has included projects on the religious upbringing of children in Britain from different ethnic and religious backgrounds, on new religious movements and values education and on various aspects of teaching and learning in religious education, intercultural education and citizenship education.
Robert (Bob) Jackson is former Director of WRERU, and is a leading figure in international debates about religions and education in Europe and beyond. He is currently contributing to a Council of Europe project on religious diversity as a dimension of intercultural education and to the Oslo Coalition's project on education for freedom of religion or belief. His book Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality: Issues in Diversity and Pedagogy (2004) was selected by the American Academy of Religion for discussion at its conference in San Antonio, Texas. Bob Jackson was awarded a higher doctorate (DLitt) by the Universiy of Wales for his contribution to international research in religions and education, and received the William Rainey Harper Award in 2013 from the Religious Education Association (USA) He belongs to a number of research networks in Europe and beyond, including: International Seminar on Religious Education and Values; European Network for Religious Education through Contextual Approaches; European Association for World Religions in Education; Interntional Research Symposium on Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Education; Co-ordinating Group for Religious Education in Europe (CoGREE) He speaks regularly at international conferences on religious education and related fields. He was Editor of the British Journjal of Reglious Education (1996-2011), the main English Language international research journal in the field and he serves on the editorial boards of several international journals, including: Religion and Education (USA); International Journal of Children's Spirituality (UK); Journal of Religious Education (Australia); Panorama: International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values (Germany); Fieldwork in Religion (UK)
- Jackson, Robert, 2019. Jazz improvisation, Wilfred Cantwell Smith and Clifford Geertz. British Journal of Religious Education, 41 (2), pp. 237-239
- Jackson, Robert, O'Grady, Kevin, 2019. The religious and worldview dimension of intercultural education: the Council of Europe's contribution. Intercultural Education, 30 (3), pp. 247-259
- Jackson, Robert, 2018. Human rights in relation to education about religions and world views : the contribution of the Council of Europe to classroom religious education. Journal of Religious Education, 66, pp. 85-97
- Jackson, Robert, 2018. Studio inclusivo delle religioni e delle visioni del mondo a scuola : Signposts ? Linee guida del Consiglio d'Europa. Idee in form@zione, 7 (6), pp. 189-212
- Jackson, Robert, 2018. Paradigm shift in religious education? A reply to Gearon, or when is a paradigm not a paradigm?. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39 (3), pp. 379-395
- Jackson, Robert, 2017. The Council of Europe's contribution to education about religions and non-religious worldviews. Scuola democratica, 2017 (3), pp. 627-644
- Jackson, Robert, Everington, Judith, 2017. Teaching inclusive religious education impartially : an English perspective. British Journal of Religious Education, 39 (1), pp. 7-24
- Jackson, Robert, 2017. ?Who's afraid of secularisation?? A response to David Lewin. British Journal of Educational Studies, 65 (4), pp. 463-468
- Jackson, Robert, 2017. Presentation of a Council of Europe Project : policy, research and practice for ?inclusive' Religious Education ? Swedish and Norwegian translations of Signposts now available. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, pp. 111-115
- Jackson, Robert, 2017. Learning in encounter : crossroads, connections, collaborations? A personal story. Religious Education, 112 (4), pp. 323-328
- Jackson, Robert, 2016. Inclusive study of religions and world views in schools : signposts from the Council of Europe. Social Inclusion, 4 (2), pp. 14-25
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. The development and dissemination of Council of Europe Policy on Education about religions and non-religious convictions. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 35 (2), pp. 133-143
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. 'Veiviseren' : en presentasjon Europarådets retningslinjer for religions og lissynsundervisning - («Signposts»: Dissemination of Council of Europe Policy on Education about Religions and Non-religious Convictions) Oversatt til norsk av Marie von der Lippe. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 98 (5), pp. 375-384
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. Religion education, intercultural education and human rights : a contribution for Cornelia Roux. Journal for the Study of Religion, 27 (1), pp. 7-22
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. Council of Europe policy and ?safe space' for dialogue in Religious Education. Religionspädagogische Beiträge, 71, pp. 111-120
- McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., Sean, Neill, Jackson, Robert, 2014. The role of personal religiosity in predicting attitude toward religious education and attitude toward religious diversity among 14- to 16-year-old students in England. Religious Education Journal of Australia, 30 (2), pp. 16-24
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. The development and dissemination of Council of Europe policy on education about religions and non-religious convictions. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 35 (2), pp. 133-143
- Jackson, Robert, 2013. Religious Education in England : the story to 2013. Pedagogiek, 33 (2), pp. 119-135
- Jackson, Robert, 2013. Religioonide ja uskumuste õppimine : arengud Euroopa poliitikas ja praktikas. Kristlik Kasvatus, 1, pp. 18-23
- Jackson, Robert, 2013. Learning about religions and non-religious worldviews : European research findings and ongoing policy development in the Council of Europe. Idee in form@zione, 2 (1), pp. 19-30
- Jackson, Robert, 2013. Religious education in England : the story to 2013. Pedagogiek: Wetenschappelijk forum voor opvoeding, onderwijs en vorming, 33 (2), pp. 119-135
- Jackson, Robert, 2012. Issues in Religious Education within public education in the United Kingdom. Rivista di storia del cristianesimo, Vol.2012 (No.1), pp. 41-58
- Jackson, Robert, 2012. The interpretive approach to religious education : challenging Thompson's interpretation. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 33 (1), pp. 1-9
- Jackson, Robert, 2011. The interpretive approach as a research tool : inside the REDCo project. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol.33 (No.2), pp. 189-208
- Jackson, Robert, Gent, B., 2010. Warwick research on materials used to teach about world religions. Resource, Vol.33 (No.1), pp. 13-16
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Materials used to teach about world religions in schools in England : a summary. Religion & Education, Vol.37 (No.2), pp. 179-182
- Jackson, Robert, Nesbitt, Eleanor, 2010. Britain's Hindu children. Christian Home & School, pp. 56-57
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. Teaching about religions in the public sphere: European policy initiatives and the interpretive approach. Numen : International Review for the History of Religions, Vol.55 (No.2-3), pp. 151-182
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. Experiencing religious diversity and education in an international context. British Association for the Study of Religions Bulletin, pp. 10-14
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. Contextual religious education and the interpretive approach. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol.30 (No.1), pp. 13-24
- Jackson, Robert, 2007. Religionsundervisningens dannelsesopgave : set fra Warwick. Religionspædagogisk Forum, Vol.2007 (No.1), pp. 47-62
- Jackson, Robert, Fujiwara, Satoko, 2007. Towards religious education for peace. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol.29 (No.1), pp. 1-14
- Jackson, Robert, 2007. Study of religious diversity : a challenge for adult education. Lifelong Learning in Europe, Vol.2007 (No.4), pp. 206-215
- Jackson, Robert, 2006. Promoting religious tolerance and non-discrimination in schools : a European perspective. Journal of Religious Education, Vol.54 (No.3), pp. 30-38
- Jackson, Robert, 2005. Rethinking Religious Education and plurality : issues in public religious education. Religion & Education, Vol.32 (No.1), pp. 1-10
- Jackson, Robert, 2005. How far can religious education contribute to multicultural/intercultural education?. Scriptura: international journal of bible, religion and theology in southern Africa, Vol.89 (No.2), pp. 235-246
- Miedema, S., Schreiner, P., Skeie, G., Jackson, Robert, 2004. The European Network for Religious Education through Contextual Approaches (ENRECA) : its policy and aims. Panorama: International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values, Vol.16, pp. 10-14
- Jackson, Robert, 2004. Intercultural education and recent European pedagogies of religious education. Intercultural Education, Vol.15 (No.1), pp. 3-14
- Jackson, Robert, 2004. Studying religious diversity in public education : an interpretive approach to religious and intercultural understanding. Religion & Education, Vol.31 (No.2), pp. 1-20
- Jackson, Robert, 2003. Applying the interpretive approach in the classroom : school based research and reflection on practice. Journal of Religious Education, Vol.51 (No.2), pp. 10-13
- Jackson, Robert, 2003. Should the state fund faith based schools? A review of the arguments. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol.25 (No.2), pp. 89-102
- Jackson, Robert, 2002. Reflecting on the interpretive approach : Islam in non-Islamic western societies. Journal of Religious Education, Vol.50 (No.2), pp. 37-44
- Jackson, Robert, 1999. The Warwick RE Project : an interpretive approach to Religious Education. Religious Education, Vol.94 (No.2), pp. 201-216
- Jackson, Robert, 1999. Multiculturalism and Religious Education : some observations from Britain. Canadian and International Education, Vol.28 (No.2), pp. 151-180
- Jackson, Robert, 2018. Teaching about religious diversity : policy and practice from the Council of Europe. In Buchanan, M.; Gellel, A -M. (eds.), Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools, Berlin, Springer, pp. 497-509
- Jackson, Robert, 2018. Council of Europe Policy on Education about `Religions and Nonreligious Convictions. Berglund, Jenny; Shanneik, Yafa; Bocking, Brian (eds.), Religious Education in a Global-Local World, Cham, Springer International Publishing
- Jackson, Robert, 2018. Religious education for plural societies : the selected works of Robert Jackson. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, Routledge
- Jackson, Robert, McKenna, Ursula, 2016. The ?Young People's Attitudes to Religious Diversity? project in the context of Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit (WRERU) research. In Arweck, Elisabeth (ed.), Young People?s Attitudes to Religious Diversity, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 3-18
- Jackson, Robert, 2015. Addressing religious extremism : a positive approach for policy makers and practitioners. In Cere, Daniel; Thorp, Thomas (eds.), Religion and Conflict : Responding to the Challenges, London, Tony Blair Foundation, pp. 70-77
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. Signposts : policy and practice for teaching about religions and non-religious worldviews in intercultural education. Strasbourg : France, Council of Europe Publishing
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. Religion and Education in England. In Rothgangel , M.; Jackson, Robert, 1945-; Jäggle, M. (eds.), Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 2: Western Europe, Göttingen, Vienna University Press/V&R unipress, pp. 65-98
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. Introduction : diversity and change regarding ?Religious Education' in Western Europe. In Rothgangel , M.; Jackson, Robert, 1945-; Jäggle, M. (eds.), Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 2: Western Europe, Göttingen, Vienna University Press/V&R unipress, pp. 15-18
- Jackson, Robert, 2014. The European dimension : perspectives on Religious Education from European Institutions, Professional Organisations and Research Networks. In Rothgangel , M.; Jackson, Robert, 1945-; Jäggle, M. (eds.), Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 2: Western Europe, Göttingen, Vienna University Press/V&R unipress, pp. 19-41
- Rothgangel, M., Jackson, Robert, Jäggle, M., 2014. Preface. In Rothgangel , M.; Jackson, Robert, 1945-; Jäggle, M. (eds.), Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 2: Western Europe, Göttingen, Vienna University Press/V&R unipress, pp. 7-13
- Jackson, Robert, 2013. Religiöse bildung im spiegel der europäischen politik. In Krobath, Thomas; Lehner-Hartmann, Andrea; Polak, Regina (eds.), Anerkennung in religiösen Bildungsprozessen, Vienna, Vienna University Press bei V&R unipress, pp. 129-148
- Jackson, Robert, 2013. Why education about religions and beliefs? European policy recommendations and research. In Byrne, Gareth; Kiernan, Patricia (eds.), Toward Mutual Ground: Pluralism, Religious Education and Diversity in Irish Schools,, Dublin, Columba Press, pp. 41-53
- Jackson, Robert, 2012. Religious Education and the arts of interpretation revisited. In Avest , Ina ter (ed.), On the Edge: (Auto)biography and Pedagogical Theories on Religious Education, Rotterdam, SensePublishers, pp. 57-68
- Jackson, Robert, 2012. Religious instruction, religious symbols, and prayer in public schools in Europe. Banks, James A. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, London, Sage Publications Ltd
- Dinham, Adam, Jackson, Robert, 2012. Religion, welfare and education. In Woodhead , Linda; Catto, Rebecca (eds.), Religion and change in modern Britain, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, Routledge, pp. 272-294
- Jackson, Robert, 2012. European developments. In Barnes, L. Philip (ed.), Debates in religious education, London, Routledge, pp. 168-179
- Jackson, Robert, 2011. Foreword. Hunter-Hénin, Myriam (ed.), Law, Religious Freedom and Education in Europe, London, Ashgate
- Jackson, Robert, 2011. The interpretive approach to religious education in a social studies context in publicly funded schools. Patterns of research in civics, history, geography and religious education : key presentations and responses from an international conference at Karlstad University, Sweden 2010, Karlstad, Karlstad University Press
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Foreward. Schihalejev, Olga (ed.), From indifference to dialogue? : Estonian young people, the school and religious diversity, Münster, Waxmann
- Jackson, Robert, Ipgrave, Julia, Hayward, M., Hopkins, P., Fancourt, Nigel, Robbins, Mandy, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2010. Materials used to teach about world religions in schools in England. Great Britain, Department for Children, Schools and Families
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Phenomenology and religious education. In Kozyrev , F. N. (ed.), Gumanitarnoe religioznoe obrazovanie Kniga dlya uchiteley i metodistov, Izdatelstvo Russkoy Khristianskoy gumanitarnoy akademii, pp. 272-282
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Foreward. Sporre, Karin; Mannberg, Jan (eds.), Values, religions and education in changing societies, Dordrecht ; London, Springer Science+Business Media B.V
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Religious diversity and education for democratic citizenship: the contribution of the Council of Europe. In Engebretson, Kath; Souza, Marian; Durka, Gloria; Gearon, Liam (eds.), International handbook of inter-religious education, Dordrecht, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, pp. 1121-1152
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Foreword. In From indifference to dialogue? Estonian young people, the school and religious diversity, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 5-10
- Jackson, Robert, Neill, S. R. St. J., 2009. Commentary on 'Options beside' 'and no religion too': perspective of Estonian youth. In Valk, P.; Bertram-Troost, G.; Friederici, M.; Beraud, C. (eds.), Teenagers' perspectives on the role of religion in their lives, schools and societies : a European quantitative study, Münster ; New York, NY, Waxmann, pp. 127-129
- Jackson, Robert, 2009. Der Beitrag religiöser Bildung im Schulunterricht zur Demokratieerziehung in Europa und darüber hinaus Ergebnisse des REDCo-Projektes. In Jozsa, Dan-Paul; Knauth, Thorsten; Weisse, Wolfram, 1945- (eds.), Religionsunterricht, Dialog und Konflikt: Analysen im Kontext Europas, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 429-434
- Jackson, Robert, 2009. The interpretive approach to religious education and the development of a community of practice. In Ipgrave, Julia; Jackson, Robert, 1945-; O'Grady, Kevin, 1962- (eds.), Religious education research through a community of practice: action research and the interpretive approach, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 21-31
- McKenna, Ursula, Neill, S. R. St. J., Jackson, Robert, 2009. Personal worldviews, dialogue and tolerance : students' views on religious education in England. In Valk, Pille, 1959-; Bertram-Troost, Gerdien; Friederici, Markus; Be´raud, Ce´line (eds.), Teenagers' perspectives on the role of religion in their lives, schools and societies: a European quantitative study, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 49-70
- Jackson, Robert, 2009. Is diversity changing religious education? Religion, diversity and education in today's Europe. In Skeie, Geir, 1954- (ed.), Religious diversity and education: Nordic perspectives, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 11-28
- Jackson, Robert, Fujiwara, Satoko, 2008. Towards religious education for peace. In Jackson, Robert, 1945-; Fujiwara, Satoko (eds.), Peace education and religious plurality : international perspectives, London, Routledge, pp. 6-19
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. The emergence and development of the interpretive approach. In Streib, Heinz; Dinter, Astrid; Söderblom, Kerstin (eds.), Lived religion : conceptual, empirical and practical-theological approaches : essays in honor of Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Leiden ; Boston, Brill, pp. 309-322
- McKenna, Ursula, Ipgrave, Julia, Jackson, Robert, 2008. Children's dialogue in the context of international research. In McKenna, Ursula; Ipgrave, Julia; Jackson, Robert, 1945- (eds.), Inter faith dialogue by email in Primary Schools: an evaluation of the building e-bridges project, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 13-25
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. Internationale trends und lokale vorgehensweisen in der religionspadagogik entwicklungen in England und in Hamburg. In Weiße, Wolfram (ed.), Dialogischer Religionsunterricht in Hamburg: Positionen, Analysen und Perspektiven im Kontext Europas, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Waxmann Verlag Gmbh, pp. 189-199
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. Hermeneutics and religious education : the interpretive approach in relation to the work of Jurgen Lott. Dommel , Christa; Mitchell, Gordon (eds.), Religion education : on the boundaries between study of religions, education and theologies: Jürgen Lott and the Bremen approach in international perspective, Bremen, Kleio Humanities
- Jackson, Robert, O'Grady, Kevin, 2007. Religions and education in England: social plurality, civil religion and religious education pedagogy. In Jackson, Robert, 1945-; Miedema, Siebren, 1949-; Weisse, Wolfram, 1945-; Willaime, Jean-Paul (eds.), Religion and education in Europe: developments, contexts and debates, Mu¨nster, Waxmann, pp. 181-202
- Jackson, Robert, 2007. European institutions and the contribution of studies of religious diversity to education for democratic citizenship: the international context. In Jackson, Robert, 1945-; Miedema, Siebren, 1949-; Weisse, Wolfram, 1945-; Willaime, Jean-Paul (eds.), Religion and education in Europe: developments, contexts and debates, Mu¨nster, Waxmann, pp. 27-55
- Jackson, Robert, 2004. Rethinking religious education and plurality : issues in diversity and pedagogy. London, RoutledgeFalmer
- Jackson, Robert, 1997. Religious education : an interpretive approach. London, UK, Hodder
- Jackson, Robert, Barratt, Margaret, Everington, Judith, 1994. Bridges to religions. Teacher's resource book [Ages 5-7]. Oxford, Heinemann
- Jackson, Robert, Nesbitt, Eleanor, 1993. Hindu children in Britain. Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham
- Jackson, Robert, Killingley, Dermot, 1991. Moral issues in the Hindu tradition. Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham Books
- Jackson, Robert, Nesbitt, Eleanor, 1990. Listening to Hindus. London, UK, Unwin Hyman
- Jackson, Robert, 1989. Hinduism. London, UK, Longman
- Jackson, Robert, Killingley, Dermot, 1988. Approaches to Hinduism. London, UK, John Murray
- Kanitkar, Helen, Jackson, Robert, 1982. Hindus in Britain. London, UK, Extramural Division, School of Oriental and African Studies, (University of London)
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. The contribution of teaching about religions and beliefs to education for democratic citizenship in Europe and beyond : consequences of the REDCo-project. The REDCo-project : Presentation in the European Parliament, Published in Religion in Education ? a Contribution to Dialogue or a Factor of Conflict?, pp. 30-38
- Jackson, Robert, 2018. Review of Learning to live well together : case studies in interfaith diversity by Wilson, T. and Ravat, R.. British Journal of Religious Education, Informa UK Limited, pp. 1-3
- Jackson, Robert, 2017. Review of The Spiritual Lives of Young African-Americans by Wright, A.. Journal of Religious Education, Australian Catholic University, pp. 9-100
- Jackson, Robert, 2011. Religion, education, dialogue and conflict : editorial introduction. British Journal of Religious Education, Routledge, pp. 105-109
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Looking back over the last year: some ups and downs of 2009. British Journal of Religious Education, Routledge, pp. 1-3
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Antiracist education, multicultural education and the interpretive approach. The European Wergeland Centre
- Jackson, Robert, 2010. Religious education : transnational developments. British Journal of Religious Education, Routledge, pp. 185-187
- Byram, M., Barrett, M., Ipgrave, Julia, Jackson, Robert, Mendez Garcia, M., 2009. Autobiography of intercultural encounters. Council of Europe : Language Policy Division
- Jackson, Robert, 2009. The Council of Europe and education about religious diversity. British Journal of Religious Education, Routledge, pp. 85-90
- Jackson, Robert, 2008. The evolution of the British Journal of Religious Education : 30th and 74th birthdays. British Journal of Religious Education, Routledge, pp. 183-186
- Jackson, Robert, 1993. The interrelationship between religious education and religious studies : paper to accompany materials submitted for PhD by published work.
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Teaching about Religious Diversity in Inclusive Schools: dissemination of research through collaborative practice | Westhill Endowment Trust | 01 Jan 2018 | 31 Dec 2018 |
Livskunskap (Life Competences) in Swedish Schools and its equivalent in the curriculum of English schools - Phase Four | Stockholm University | 29 Jan 2014 | 28 Feb 2014 |
Livskunskap (Life Competences) in Swedish Schools and its equivalent in the curriculum of English schools - Phase Three | Stockholm University | 24 Jul 2012 | 30 Sept 2012 |
AHRC Full Bid: Young Peoples Attitudes to Religious Diversity (prev outline = 20750) | AHRC | 01 Oct 2009 | 30 Sept 2012 |
Face to Faith phase 3 | Tony Blair Faith Foundation | 01 Jul 2011 | 30 Jun 2012 |
Livskunskap (Life Competences) in Swedish Schools and its equivalent in the curriculum of English schools | Stockholm University | 01 Apr 2011 | 31 Jul 2011 |
Evaluation of the Impact of the Tools 4 Trialogue ADDITIONAL FUNDING (26413 & 29723) | The British and Foreign Bible Society | 07 Apr 2011 | 30 Jun 2011 |
Supplement to 26413 Evaluation of the impact of the Tools 4 Trialogue | The British and Foreign Bible Society | 27 Jan 2011 | 30 Jun 2011 |
Face to Faith continuation | Tony Blair Faith Foundation | 18 Jan 2011 | 30 Jun 2011 |
Evaluation of Tools 4 Trialogue x-ref 26413 | Three Faiths Forum | 01 Sept 2010 | 30 Jun 2011 |
Evaluation of the impact of the Tools 4 Trialogue inter faith dialogue programme on the understanding, attitudes and learning of 15-18 year old students | The British and Foreign Bible Society | 01 Sept 2010 | 30 Jun 2011 |
Face to Faith project: Evaluation Research | Tony Blair Faith Foundation | 01 Jun 2009 | 31 May 2010 |
Materials used in schools to teach world religions | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 01 Jul 2008 | 30 Sept 2009 |
Religion in Education. A contribution to Dialogue or a factor of Conflict in stransforming societies of European Countries (REDCo) - Extension | European Commission | 01 Mar 2006 | 31 Mar 2009 |
Religion in Education, A Contribution to Dialogue or a Factor of Conflict in Transforming Societies of European Countries | EU | 01 Jan 2006 | 31 Dec 2008 |
Developing the Interpretive Approach to Religious Education through Action Research within A Community of Practice | Westhill Endowment Trust | 01 Apr 2007 | 31 Mar 2008 |
Teaching about Religious Diversity in Schools the Use of Action Research to Apply and Develop the Interpretive Approach | The Farmington Trust Limited | 01 Apr 2006 | 30 Sept 2006 |
Patrick V Saxton research Fellowship: Mary Hayward -An investigation into the place and future of Christianity in RE with particular reference to KS3 in maintained community schools | All Saints Educational Trust | 01 Oct 2003 | 30 Sept 2006 |
Evaluation of building E-bridges - interfaith dialogue using ICT in primary schools | Westhill Endowment Trust | 01 Sept 2003 | 31 Dec 2005 |
The dimension of religious diversity in intercultural education | St Peters Saltley Trust | 01 Sept 2003 | 31 Dec 2005 |
Evaluation of building E-bridges - interfaith dialogue using ICT in primary schools | Westhill Endowment Trust | 01 Sept 2003 | 31 Aug 2004 |
Assessing the approach of Sathya Sai Babas Followers to Young Peoples Spiritual and Moral Development | AHRC | 03 Dec 2003 | 31 Jul 2004 |
The Dimensions of Religious Diversity in Intercultural Education | The Gaydon Trust | 01 Sept 2003 | 30 Apr 2004 |
The dimension of religious diversity in intercultural education | St Peters Saltley Trust | 01 Sept 2003 | 30 Apr 2004 |