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Visiting Academic
Education Studies
024 7652 3836
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Research Group
Research Interests
Children and education; Evolutionary psychology; Non-verbal communication; Animal behaviour; Classroom interaction; Education in traditional societies; Affective education; Educational policy; Quantitative methods; IT and education; influences on attitudes to religious education.
Sean Neill originally studied animal behaviour before researching adolescent fighting; he has carried out a wide range of observational and questionnaire research on classroom behaviour, most recently for WRERU. He specialises in quantitative analysis and the function of behaviour.
- Tan, Wee Hoe, Neill, S. R. St. J., Johnston-Wilder, Sue, 2012. How do professionals' attitudes differ between what game-based learning could ideally achieve and what is usually achieved. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 2 (1), pp. 1-15
- Neill, S. R. St. J., Schihalejev, Olga, 2011. Influences on students' views on religions and education in England and Estonia. British Journal of Religious Education, 33 (2), pp. 225-240
- Tan, Wee Hoe, Johnston-Wilder, Sue, Neill, S. R. St. J., 2010. Exploring the educational potential of game-based learning through the eyes of game industry practitioners. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, Vol.6 (No.1), pp. 41-54
- Neill, S. R. St. J., 2008. Assessment of the NEOTHEMI virtual museum project - an on-line survey. Computers & Education, Vol.50 (No.1), pp. 410-420
- Hunt, Marilyn J., Neill, S. R. St. J., Barnes, Ann, 2007. The use of ICT in the assessment of modern languages: the English context and European viewpoints. Educational Review, Vol.59 (No.2), pp. 195-213
- Tan, W. H., Johnston-Wilder, Sue, Neill, Sean, 2011. Game-based learning with dialogic teaching approach : deep learning and the use of SporeTM in A-Level biology lessons. Felicia, Patrick (ed.), Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation through educational games : multidisciplinary approaches, Hershey ; London, Information Science Reference
- Tan, W. H, Neill, S. R. St. J., Johnston-Wilder, Sue, 2010. Spiral research model for game-based learning studies : a pragmatic educational research design in practice. In Meyer, Bente (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Games-Based Learning : The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-22 October 2010, Reading, Academic Publishing, pp. 478-486
- Neill, S. R. St. J., 2009. Commentary on 'Dutch pupils' views on religion in school and society : report on a quantitative research. In Valk, P.; Bertram-Troost, G.; Friederici, M.; Béraud, C. (eds.), Teenagers' perspectives on the role of religion in their lives, schools and societies : a European quantitative study, Münster ; New York, NY, Waxmann, pp. 221-260
- Jackson, Robert, Neill, S. R. St. J., 2009. Commentary on 'Options beside' 'and no religion too': perspective of Estonian youth. In Valk, P.; Bertram-Troost, G.; Friederici, M.; Beraud, C. (eds.), Teenagers' perspectives on the role of religion in their lives, schools and societies : a European quantitative study, Münster ; New York, NY, Waxmann, pp. 127-129
- McKenna, Ursula, Neill, S. R. St. J., Jackson, Robert, 2009. Personal worldviews, dialogue and tolerance : students' views on religious education in England. In Valk, Pille, 1959-; Bertram-Troost, Gerdien; Friederici, Markus; Be´raud, Ce´line (eds.), Teenagers' perspectives on the role of religion in their lives, schools and societies: a European quantitative study, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 49-70
- Tan, Wee Hoe, Neill, Sean, Johnston-Wilder, Sue, 2009. Deep learning and the use of Spore (TM) in A-level biology lessons. 3rd European Conference on Games Based Learning, FH Joanneum Univ Appl Sci, Graz, Austria, October 12-13, 2009, Published in Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Games Based Learning, pp. 354-361
- Tan, W. H., Johnston-Wilder, Sue, Neill, S. R. St. J., 2008. Examining the potential of games-based learning through the eyes of maths trainee teachers. British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, London, UK, Nov 2008, Published in Proceedings of the Day Conference held at the Kings College, pp. 120-124
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Socrates - EBuildit | EU | 01 Oct 2005 | 30 Sept 2008 |
Leonardo Da Vinci - via University of Molise | Formequip-Aitpe | 01 Oct 2004 | 30 Sept 2006 |
Preparatory Visit for Centralised Actions | EU | 16 Dec 2004 | 21 Dec 2004 |