Ursula McKenna is a member of the 'Learning' strand of research within the Department of Education Studies (ES). She works with both qualitative ad quantitative methods in measuring individual differences in young people's values and their attitudes to religious diversity. Her research interests include: religious education and associated topics such as spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; citizenship; primary education; children and education; faith schools; intercultural education; children's religious dialogue; young people's attitudes to religious diversity.
She has recently worked on the following UK projects:
(with Professor Leslie Francis and Dr Tania ap Sion) Embedding attitudes to religious diversity research findings in the school curriculum
(with Professor Leslie Francis and Dr David Lankshear) Assessing the impact on policy and performance of the Student Voice Project: A three-year research programme among year-five and year-six students in Anglican primary schools in Wales
(with Professor Leslie Francis and Dr Ann Casson) Ten leading Schools: The Spiritual Influence of Christian-Ethos Secondary Education (The Douglas Trust and Canterbury Christchurch University)
She previously worked on the research projects:
(with Professor Robert Jackson) Young people's attitudes to religious diversity (AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society programme)
(with Professor Robert Jackson and Dr Sean Neill) Religion in Education. A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming societies of European Countries (follow up survey)
(with Professor Robert Jackson) Materials used in schools to teach world religions (Department for Children, Schools and Families)
(with Professor Robert Jackson, Dr Julia Ipgrave and Dr Kevin O'Grady) Religion in Education. A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming societies of European Countries (European Framework 6)
(with Professor Robert Jackson and Dr Julia Ipgrave) Evaluation of The Building E-Bridges-Inter-faith Dialogue using ICT in Primary Schools Project (Westhill Endowment Trust)
Ursula McKenna is senior research fellow, in education and the social significance of religion, within the Department of Education Studies. Upon completion of her BA (QTS) she was awarded an Economic and Social Research Council MA studentship and was awarded her MA (with distinction) in 1999. While combining a part-time research post at Warwick with a job-share class teaching position in a primary school she then completed her doctorate. Her research was an evaluation of the Building E-Bridges programme, a project which advocated the use of email in primary schools to promote interfaith dialogue amongst pupils across the UK. She now engages both qualitative and quantitative research methods within the empirical science of religious education where her research interests focus on young peoples' values including their attitudes to religious diversity and to human rights. She has contributed to a number of National and European research projects and has published in both books and journals. She co-authored ten chapters in the recently published book: G. Byrne & Leslie J. Francis (Eds) (2019). Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland. Dublin: Veritas Publications.
She was previously editorial assistant for the British Journal of Religious Education for 12 years.
For a full biography please visit Ursula's profile on the WRERU website (http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ces/research/wreru/aboutus/staff/um/)
- McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., Jones, Susan H., 2024. Deeply Christian and serving the common good? A survey of Anglican cathedral provision for schools. Journal of Beliefs and Values
- Francis, Leslie J., Davis, Francis, McKenna, Ursula, 2023. How Catholic and how charismatic are the followers of Bishop Barron? A study in personality theory. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion
- Francis, Leslie J., Fawcett, Bruce G., McKenna, Ursula, 2023. Psychological type and religious affect : a study among adolescent Baptists in Canada. Journal of Youth and Theology, 22 (2), pp. 173-189
- Francis, Leslie J., Mansfield, Simon, McKenna, Ursula, Jones, Susan H., 2023. Enhancing inclusivity and diversity among cathedral visitors : the Brecon Jazz Festival and psychographic segmentation. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 44 (4), pp. 563-578
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Stewart, F., 2023. Human rights as implicit religion : exploring the psychological correlates of belief in human rights and human rights activism among 15- to 18-year-old adolescents in England and Wales. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 34
- Francis, Leslie J., Lankshear, David W., McKenna, Ursula, 2023. Building a relational culture and empirical theology : exploring the impact of congregational bonding social capital on perceived faith development and perceived church growth. Rural Theology, 21 (2), pp. 84-94
- McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., Stewart, Francis, 2023. The inclusivity of Anglican cathedrals and the coronation of King Charles III : embracing explicit religion, civic religion, and implicit religion. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 44 (4), pp. 475-489
- McKenna, Ursula, Neal, Tony, Francis, Leslie J., 2022. Assessing the personal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on retired clergy : listening to their experiences. Rural Theology, 20 (2), pp. 91-104
- Francis, Leslie J., Lankshear, David W., McKenna, Ursula, 2022. Comparing the attitudes of Muslim and Christian year 5 and 6 students within four Anglican primary schools in Wales. British Journal of Religious Education, 44 (1), pp. 80-86
- Francis, Leslie J., Jones, Susan H., McKenna, Ursula, 2021. The science of congregation studies and psychographic segmentation : O come all ye thinking types?. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 77 (4)
- Rogobete, Silviu E., Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2021. Examining the connection between religion and attitude toward socio-economic human rights and attitude toward euthanasia and abortion among Romanian Orthodox adolescents : contrasting the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (20)
- Fawcett, Bruce G., Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2021. Sustaining young Canadian Baptists in the faith : exploring the connection between religious affect and parental religious attendance. Journal of Research on Christian Education, pp. 1-20
- 'Francis, Leslie J., 'Jones, Susan H., 'McKenna, Ursula, 2021. 'The contribution of cathedrals to psychological health and well-being : Assessing the impact of Cathedral Carol Services. HTS Theological Studies, 77 (4)
- Trowsdale, Jo, McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., 2021. Teacher evaluation of the impact of The Imagineerium education project on the creativity of individual students : the Trowsdale Index of teacher observation of student creativity. Research in Education, 111 (1), pp. 70-79
- Francis, Leslie J., Lankshear, David W., Eccles, E., McKenna, Ursula, 2021. Assessing the impact of the Student Voice Project on shaping the ethos of Anglican primary schools : a study focusing on the Diocese of Llandaff. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42 (3), pp. 300-314
- Francis, Leslie J., Mansfield, Simon, McKenna, Ursula, 2021. Psychographic segmentation of cathedral visitors in England and Wales : introducing the Visitor Expectations Type Scales 2.0 (VETS2.0). Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 24 (6), pp. 535-553
- McKenna, Ursula, 2021. Resilience in ministry : listening to the voice of Church of Scotland ministers. Rural Theology, 19 (2), pp. 84-99
- McKinney, Stephen, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2021. Assessing sectarian attitudes among Catholic adolescents in Scotland. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42 (1), pp. 1-18
- Francis, Leslie J., Jones, Susan H., McKenna, Ursula, Pike, Nelson, Williams, Emma, 2021. Belonging through events? Exploring the demographic profile, motivations, and experiences of those attending the afternoon Carol services on Christmas Eve at Liverpool Cathedral. Religions, 12 (2)
- Erken, Humeyra Guleryuz, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2021. Love for Allah and love for others : exploring the connection between religious affect and empathy among Muslim adolescents in England. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42 (2), pp. 223-234
- Francis, Leslie J., Jones, Susan H., McKenna, Ursula, 2021. The contribution of cathedrals to psychological health and well-being : assessing the impact of Cathedral Carol Services. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 77 (4)
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Powell, Ruth, 2020. The internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity (modified short-form) among 8- to 14-year-old churchgoers in Australia. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31, pp. 300-318
- Francis, Leslie J., Lankshear, David W., Eccles, Emma L., McKenna, Ursula, 2020. Sustaining churchgoing young Anglicans in England and Wales : assessing influence of the home. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41 (1), pp. 34-50
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Sahin, Abdullah, 2020. Exploring Psalm 73:1?10 through sensing and intuition : the SIFT approach among Muslim educators. HTS Theological Studies, 76 (3)
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Powell, Ruth, 2020. Ecclesia domestica and the role of the home in sustaining churchgoing among Catholics : an empirical enquiry among 8- to 14-year-olds in Australia. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31, pp. 338-359
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Lewis, Christopher Alan, 2020. Shifts in denominational differences in student attitude toward Christianity in Northern Ireland 1979-2011. Journal of Religious Education, 68, pp. 409-415
- Francis, Leslie J., Jones, Susan H., McKenna, Ursula, Pike, Nelson, Williams, Emma, 2020. The science of cathedral studies : exploring the demographic profile, motivational intentions, and perceived impact among those attending the Holly Bough service in Liverpool Cathedral. Religions, 11 (9)
- Francis, Leslie J., Jones, Susan H., McKenna, Ursula, 2020. The Holly Bough service at Liverpool Cathedral and psychological type theory : fresh expressions or inherited church?. HTS Theological Studies, 76 (3)
- Francis, Leslie J., Breskaya, O., McKenna, Ursula, 2020. Attitudes toward civil human rights among Italian students of sociology : the effects of religion and theology. Religions, 11 (12)
- Francis, Leslie J., Powell, Ruth, McKenna, Ursula, 2020. Religion and personal happiness among young churchgoers in Australia : the importance of the affective dimension. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31, pp. 319-337
- Francis, Leslie J., Athwal, S., McKenna, Ursula, 2020. Assessing attitude toward Sikhism : the psychometric properties of the Athwal-Francis Scale among Sikh adolescents. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 23 (3-4), pp. 234-244
- Francis, Leslie J., Howell, David, Hill, Phoebe, McKenna, Ursula, 2019. Assessing the impact of a paid children, youth or family worker on Anglican congregations in England. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 28 (1), pp. 43-50
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Lewis, Christopher Alan, 2019. Examining the relationship between spirituality and character virtues : an empirical study among a sample of 11- to 16-year-old UK students. Spirituality of a Personality : Methodology, Theory and Practice, 2 (89), pp. 218-240
- Francis, Leslie J., Astley, Jeff, McKenna, Ursula, 2019. Science disproves the biblical account of creation : exploring the predictors of perceived conflict between science and religion among 13- to 15-year-old students in the UK. British Journal of Religious Education, 41 (2), pp. 188-201
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Arweck, Elisabeth, 2019. Countering anti-Muslim attitudes among Christian and religiously unaffiliated 13- to 15-year-olds in England and Wales : testing the contact hypothesis. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41 (3), pp. 342-357
- Francis, Leslie J., Crea, Crea, McKenna, Ursula, 2019. The Purpose-in-Life Scale (PILS) : internal consistency reliability, concurrent validity and construct validity among Catholic priests in Italy. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 22 (6), pp. 602-613
- Trowsdale, Jo, McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., 2019. Evaluating ?The Imagineerium' : the Trowsdale Indices of Confidence in Competence, Creativity and Learning (TICCCL). Thinking Skills and Creativity, 32, pp. 75-81
- McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., 2019. Growing up female and Muslim in the UK : an empirical enquiry into the distinctive religious and social values of young Muslims. British Journal of Religious Education, 41 (4), pp. 388-401
- Wilkinson, J., Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2018. Personal prayer, worship attendance and spiritual wellbeing : a study among fourth, fifth and sixth class students attending Church of Ireland schools in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of Religious Education, 66 (3), pp. 202-212
- Francis, Leslie J., Astley, Jeff, McKenna, Ursula, 2018. Belief in God, belief in science : exploring the psychological correlates of belief in science as implicit religion. Implicit Religion, 21 (4), pp. 383-412
- Francis, Leslie J., Casson, Ann, McKenna, Ursula, 2018. Christian ethos secondary schools in England and Wales : a common voice or wide diversity?. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39 (4), pp. 445-462
- Francis, Leslie J., Village, Andrew, McKenna, Ursula, Penny, Gemma, 2018. Freedom of religion and freedom of religious clothing and symbols in school : exploring the impact of church schools in a religiously diverse society [monographic series]. Religion and Civil Human Rights in Empirical Perspective, 2, pp. 157-176
- McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., 2018. Growing up female and Muslim in the UK: an empirical enquiry into the distinctive religious and social values of young Muslims. British Journal of Religious Education, 41 (4), pp. 388-401
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2018. The experience of victimisation among Muslim adolescents in the UK : the effect of psychological and religious factors. Religions, 9 (8)
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Sahin, Abdullah, 2018. Facing the issues raised in Psalm 1 through thinking and feeling : applying the SIFT approach to biblical hermeneutics among Muslim educators. Religions, 9 (10)
- Neal, Tony, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2017. A survey on mentoring, first incumbency, and the role of retired clergy : listening to bishops. Rural Theology, 15 (1), pp. 39-47
- Francis, Leslie J., Lewis, Christopher Alan, McKenna, Ursula, 2017. Spirituality and empathy : a study among religiously unaffiliated adolescents within the UK. Spirituality of a Personality : Methodology, Theory and Practice, 3 (78), pp. 325-343
- Francis, Leslie J., ap Siôn, Tania, McKenna, Ursula, Penny, Gemma, 2017. Does religious education as an examination subject work to promote community cohesion? An empirical enquiry among 14- to 15-year-old adolescents in England and Wales. British Journal of Religious Education, 39 (3), pp. 303-316
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2017. Muslim attitude toward freedom of religious clothing and symbols in schools within the UK : the effect of religious and theological factors factors. Religione e Società, 32 (87), pp. 50-58
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2017. Assessing attitude toward religious diversity among Muslim adolescents in the UK : the effect of religious and theological factors. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 38 (3), pp. 328-340
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2017. The religious and social correlates of Muslim identity : an empirical enquiry into religification among male adolescents in the UK. Oxford Review of Education, 43 (5), pp. 550-565
- McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., Sean, Neill, Jackson, Robert, 2014. The role of personal religiosity in predicting attitude toward religious education and attitude toward religious diversity among 14- to 16-year-old students in England. Religious Education Journal of Australia, 30 (2), pp. 16-24
- O'Grady, Kevin, Miller, Joyce, McKenna, Ursula, 2013. Robert Jackson and Warwick Research. Religion & Education, Vol.40 (No.1), pp. 1-4
- Miller, Joyce, McKenna, Ursula, 2011. Religion and religious education : comparing and contrasting pupils? and teachers? views in an English school. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol.33 (No.2), pp. 173-187
- Francis, Leslie J., Haley, John M., McKenna, Ursula, 2023. Psychological type profile of Methodist ministers in Britain : contributing to the atlas of clergy type tables. In New Vistas in the Study of Religious and Non-religious Belief, Brill, pp. 102-125
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Hall, G. L., Hall, D., 2023. Psychological type and images of God. In New Vistas in the Study of Religious and Non-religious Belief, Brill, pp. 126-136
- 'Francis, Leslie J., 'McKenna, Ursula, 'Sahin, Abdullah, 2020. 'Religion and socio-economic human rights : an empirical enquiry among adolescents in England and Wales. In Ziebertz, H. G. (ed.), International Empirical Studies on Religion and Socioeconomic Human Rights, Cham, Springer, pp. 169-191
- Byrne, Gareth, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Sweetman, Bernadette, 2019. Exploring the personal, social and spiritual worldview of male adolescent atheists within the Republic of Ireland : an empirical enquiry. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 247-269
- Francis, Leslie J., Lewis, Christopher Alan, McKenna, Ursula, 2019. Denominational differences in students' religious and moral values in Northern Ireland : still worlds apart?. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 47-76
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Sahin, Abdullah, 2019. Religion, human rights and matters of life and death : exploring attitude toward abortion and euthanasia among adolescents in England and Wales. In Ziebertz, Hans-Georg; Zaccaria, Francesco (eds.), Euthanasia, Abortion, Death Penalty and Religion - The Right to Life and its Limitations, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, pp. 139-159
- Byrne, Gareth, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2019. Exploring the social benefit of religious education in post primary schools within the Republic of Ireland : an empirical enquiry among 13- to 15-year-old students. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 203-221
- McGrady, Andrew, McKenna, Ursula, Francis, Leslie J., 2019. Catholic identities, religious faith and moral values : an empirical enquiry among 16- to 19-year-old male students in the Republic of Ireland. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 125-143
- Lewis, Christopher Alan, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2019. The profile of Protestant sixth-form religion in Northern Ireland 1968-2011 : the Greer legacy. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J.; Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 23-46
- Francis, Leslie J., McGrady, Andrew, McKenna, Ursula, 2019. When women cease to be more religious than men : the changing face of sex differences in religious affect among young adult Catholics in the Republic of Ireland. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 145-161
- McGrady, Andrew, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2019. The McGrady index of parental attitude toward Catholic schools (MIPACS) : reliability and validity among Catholic parents within the Republic of Ireland. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J.; Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 187-200
- McGrady, Andrew, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2019. The religious identity of 16- to 19-year-old Catholic school leavers within the Republic of Ireland in 2003 : exploring sex differences. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 163-185
- Francis, Leslie J., McGrady, Andrew G., Williams, Kevin, McKenna, Ursula, 2019. Growing up Catholic in Ireland : the intersectionality of gender and nationality. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas Publications, pp. 77-101
- Byrne, Gareth, Francis, Leslie J., Sweetman, Bernadette, McKenna, Ursula, 2019. Sustaining churchgoing young Catholics in the Republic of Ireland : assessing the importance of parental example. In Byrne, Gareth; Francis, Leslie J. (eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Veritas, pp. 223-245
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2019. The experience of victimisation among Christian adolescents in the UK : the effect of psychological and religious factors. In Riegel, Ulrich; Heil, Stefan; Kalbheim, Boris; Unser, Alexander (eds.), Understanding Religion: empirical perspectives in practical theology : essays in honour of Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 55-78
- Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, Robbins, Mandy, 2018. Attitudes toward political rights and religious affiliation, experience, saliency and openness : an empirical enquiry among students in England and Wales. In Sterkens, C.; Ziebertz, H -G. (eds.), Political and Judicial Rights through the Prism of Religious Belief, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, pp. 1-21
- Francis, Leslie J., Penny, Gemma, McKenna, Ursula, 2017. Does RE work and contribute to the common good in England?. In Arweck, E. (ed.), Young People?s Attitudes to Religious Diversity, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 153-169
- Jackson, Robert, McKenna, Ursula, 2016. The ?Young People's Attitudes to Religious Diversity? project in the context of Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit (WRERU) research. In Arweck, Elisabeth (ed.), Young People?s Attitudes to Religious Diversity, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 3-18
- Francis, Leslie J., Robbins, Mandy, McKenna, Ursula, 2015. Women's socio-economic rights and religion among Christian, Islamic and non-religiously affiliated students in England and Wales. In Hans-Ziebertz, Georg; Ballin , Ernst H. (eds.), Freedom of Religion in the 21st Century : A human rights perspective on the relation between politics and religion, Boston, Brill, pp. 239-256
- Miller, Joyce, O?Grady, Kevin, McKenna, Ursula, 2013. Religion in education : innovation in international research. New York, Routledge
- Miller, Joyce, O?Grady, Kevin, McKenna, Ursula, 2013. Reflections on the future of religion in education. In Miller, Joyce; O'Grady, Kevin; McKenna, Ursula (eds.), Religion in Education: Innovation in International Research, New York, Routledge, pp. 197-207
- O?Grady, Kevin, McKenna, Ursula, Miller, Joyce, 2013. Robert Jackson and Warwick research : an introduction. In Miller, Joyce; O'Grady, Kevin; McKenna, Ursula (eds.), Religion in Education: Innovation in International Research, New York, Routledge, pp. 1-8
- Miller, J., McKenna, Ursula, 2012. Religion and religious education : comparing and contrasting pupils? and teachers? views in an English school. In Jackson, Robert, 1945- (ed.), Religion, education, dialogue and conflict : perspectives on religious education research, London, Routledge, pp. 69-83
- Jackson, Robert, Ipgrave, Julia, Hayward, M., Hopkins, P., Fancourt, Nigel, Robbins, Mandy, Francis, Leslie J., McKenna, Ursula, 2010. Materials used to teach about world religions in schools in England. Great Britain, Department for Children, Schools and Families
- McKenna, Ursula, Neill, S. R. St. J., Jackson, Robert, 2009. Personal worldviews, dialogue and tolerance : students' views on religious education in England. In Valk, Pille, 1959-; Bertram-Troost, Gerdien; Friederici, Markus; Be´raud, Ce´line (eds.), Teenagers' perspectives on the role of religion in their lives, schools and societies: a European quantitative study, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 49-70
- Ipgrave, Julia, McKenna, Ursula, 2008. Diverse experiences and common vision : English students' perspectives on religion and religious education. In Knauth, Thorsten; Josza, Dan-Paul; Bertram-Troost, Gerdien; Ipgrave, Julia (eds.), Encountering religious pluralism in school and society : a qualitative study of teenage perspectives in Europe, Münster, Waxmann Verlag, pp. 113-148
- McKenna, Ursula, Ipgrave, Julia, Jackson, Robert, 2008. Children's dialogue in the context of international research. In McKenna, Ursula; Ipgrave, Julia; Jackson, Robert, 1945- (eds.), Inter faith dialogue by email in Primary Schools: an evaluation of the building e-bridges project, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 13-25
- Ipgrave, Julia, McKenna, Ursula, 2008. Encountering religious pluralism in school and society. In Knauth, Thorsten; Jozsa, Dan-Paul; Bertram-Troost, Gerdien; Ipgrave, Julia (eds.), Encountering Religious Pluralism in School and Society: A Qualitative Study of Teenage Perspectives in Europe, Münster, Germany, Waxmann Verlag, pp. 113-148
- McKenna, Ursula, Ipgrave, Julia, 2008. Inter faith dialogue by email in primary schools : an evaluation of the building E-Bridges Project. Münster, Waxmann
- Ipgrave, Julia, McKenna, Ursula, 2007. Values and purposes : teacher perspectives on the building e-bridges project for inter faith dialogue between children across the UK. In Bakker, Cok; Hans-Günter, Heimbrock (eds.), Researching RE Teachers : RE Teachers as Researchers, Münster, Waxmann, pp. 215-234
- McKenna, Ursula, 2005. A discussion of the relationship between intercultural education, religious diversity and religious education. In Jackson, Robert, 1945-; McKenna, Ursula (eds.), Intercultural education and religious plurality., Oslo, Norway, The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, pp. 63-76
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
AHRC Full Bid: Young Peoples Attitudes to Religious Diversity (prev outline = 20750) | AHRC | 01 Oct 2009 | 30 Sept 2012 |
Materials used in schools to teach world religions | Department for Children, Schools and Families | 01 Jul 2008 | 30 Sept 2009 |
The dimension of religious diversity in intercultural education | St Peters Saltley Trust | 01 Sept 2003 | 31 Dec 2005 |
The dimension of religious diversity in intercultural education | St Peters Saltley Trust | 01 Sept 2003 | 30 Apr 2004 |