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Professor Chris Brown

Job Title
Education Studies
Title Funder Award start Award end
MEthodology of Psycho-pedagogical, Big Data and Commercial Video GAmes procedures for the European SKILLS Agenda Implementation - MEGASKILLS (Signing of Consortium Agreement - transfer from Durham University) European Commission 01 Feb 2023 31 Jan 2026
MEthodology of Psycho-pedagogical, Big Data and Commercial Video GAmes procedures for the European SKILLS Agenda Implementation - MEGASKILLS (UKRI Guarantee application) - transfer from Durham University) UK Research and Innovation 01 Feb 2023 31 Jan 2026
West Midlands Local Policy Innovation Partnership (WM LPIP) ESRC 18 Apr 2023 17 Sep 2023
West Midlands LPIP ESRC 18 Apr 2023 17 Sep 2023
Request for Proposals Understanding the factors that support the recruitment and retention of teachers to schools with high proportions of disadvantaged children - led by Durham University Education Endowment Foundation 06 Apr 2023 15 Sep 2023