Christopher Guerin
PhD student
I am a fifth year part-time PhD student at Warwick, and an Assistant Principal at Ninestiles, an Academy in Birmingham. I have been working as a secondary maths teacher for over ten years, and I have previously completed an MMath and MA at Warwick, and an MEd at Cambridge. My current research focuses on assessment and reporting in secondary schools, particularly on meaningful grading and the value of school reports to different stakeholder groups. I am also interested in mathematics education, and working with university and school-based colleagues to improve mathematics teaching and learning, and the use of data in schools.
Outside of education, I am a member of the University of Warwick archery club and regularly compete across the country. I also coach a weekly archery club at my school, which has previously featured on BBC Midlands Today.
Research Areas
School reports, Secondary education, home-school engagement, parental involvement
Publications/ Conference Presentations
May 2023 – ‘Meaningful Grading’ presentation. 10th Education Studies Postgraduate Research Conference. University of Warwick
April 2021 – ‘Reporting in Secondary Schools’ presentation. Teach First Education and Curriculum Network