Haoxi Ou
PhD student
I received my BA at Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai campus, majoring in Teaching Chinese as a foreign language. MSc at the University of Glasgow, majoring in Educational Studies. My academic interests vary from queer theories, gender studies, post-structuralism, and issues related to subjectivity, desire and ethics.
My PhD project focus on how Chinese queer international students narrate their educational mobility experiences, and what role does desire play in this process? By introducing queer methodology and the dimension of desire, my doctoral study seeks to move beyond the “rational motivation” framing of current transnational student mobility studies and provide a critical approach that questions such studies' hetero/cis-normative orientation.
I considered my research object to focus on rebuilding a sincere and cohesive relationship between different groups, thus broadening people's perceptions of heterogeneous groups, rather than dwelling on a phantasmatic imagination of unity.
Email: Haoxi.Ou@warwick.ac.uk
Research Areas
Queer Theory, Transnational Higher Education, Desire, Queer China