Jieyuan Zheng
PhD student
GTA – Education Studies, University of Warwick
Jieyuan (Joyce) is a PGR student at the Department of Education Studies at the University of Warwick. Her doctoral research focuses on different sociology-economic Chinese fathers’ involvement in their children’s education with a lens on the integrations of western masculinity theories and Chinese indigenous theories.During her time pursuing a master’s degree at Warwick, Jieyuan delved into Chinese college students’ perceptions of parental involvement in higher education, further enriching her understanding of parenthood. Her academic pursuits and research interests encompass fatherhood, masculinity, parental involvement, feminist theory, post-structuralism, and qualitative research methodologies.
In addition to academic area, Jieyuan is also a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) within the department, where she has supported several students in dissertation and enhancement tutorial programs. This year, she also plays a role in the Academic Integrity and Skills module for undergraduate students.
Student Email:Jieyuan.Zheng@Warwick.ac.uk
Staff Email:Jieyuan.Zheng.1@Warwick.ac.uk
GTA – Education Studies, University of Warwick
MA Education – University of Warwick
BA Chinese Language and Literature – Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Mandarin; English
Research Areas
Fathers’ involvement; Masculinity; Life History Approach