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Dr Sarah Dahl

Job Title
Head of Academic Department
Education Studies
024 7652 3856
Research Interests

My research interests focus on early childhood education and care and policy impacts in education.

In terms of my teaching role at university, I am interested in research methods, learning theories and technology to support and enhance learning.


Dr Sarah Dahl is the Head of Education Studies. Sarah first trained as a primary school teacher (early years specialist) and her PhD study looked at the impact on local practice of national policies, specifically pertaining to mathematics education and the transition of pupils from primary to secondary school.

Sarah joined the university as a research fellow and spent several years researching in the field of early childhood. Projects included ICT, leadership, multi-agency working and creativity. Currently Sarah has a teaching-focused role within the department. She has taught and led a range of UG and PG programmes and modules. This has included teaching in alternative settings, and delivering courses abroad. In addition to her standard teaching Sarah has delivered professional development training to teachers and managers of early childhood settings, she has also taught primary and secondary school children about research methods, supporting them to conduct and disseminate their own research.

The common theme that underpins both Sarah's research and teaching is considering how best people learn and what support and environments help this. She is in the role that technology (VLEs in particular) can play in enhancing learning for students along with International student engagement. Currently she is exploring the role of Mitigating Circumstances and Reasonable Adjustments for PGR students.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Research Mentoring at Hillfields Creative Partnerships Coventry 01 Feb 2008 31 Mar 2008
A Review of the Evidence On the Use of ICT in the Early Years Foundation (ICT01734) British Educational Communications and Technology Agency 07 Jan 2008 31 Mar 2008
Whitnash Nursery Approach to Creative Practice. Whitnash Nursery School 01 Jun 2006 31 May 2007