The Story Garden
What is a Story Garden?
What might a community gardening, creative learning and outdoor eco-pedagogies offer children, young people, families and senior citizens?
On Saturday 9th November 2-5pm in Canley Community Centre, as part of the ESRC’s Festival of Social Sciences, Dr Rachel Turner-King and Dr Jen Kitchen will invite Canley residents to step inside a ‘Pop Up’ Story Garden and join us in a series of interactive, hands-on, multi-sensory activities and talks.
We would like to offer up to 15 UG/PG students from Education Studies the chance to participate in supporting and leading activities during this Public Engagement event.
If you would like to join in, please express your interest by filling out this sign-up form by Tuesday 22nd October 12 midnight. Please note that we aim to offer places to students from across the department. We also need to know that you can commit to the dates specified (see sign-up page) and that you have some initial ideas.
Outcomes for the participating students
You will:
- Work collaboratively with fellow Education studies students.
- Be supported to experiment with creative learning pedagogies that enhance outdoor learning and wellbeing.
- Have the opportunity to apply ideas from your course in practice.
- Gain volunteering and public engagement experience.