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EQ213-15 Professional Identity and Skills

Department Education Studies

Level Undergraduate Level 2

Module leader Juliet Raynsford

Credit value 15

Module duration 10 weeks

Assessment 100% coursework

Study location University of Warwick main campus, Coventry


This module does not require you to undertake a work-based placement. However, it will still give you the opportunity to consider your professional skills and career aspirations. In taught sessions you will explore the professional characteristics of organisations who work with children, young people and their families in an educational capacity. This will include investigating the staffing and leadership structures of example organisations, their policies, their modes of work, professional roles and conduct. In addition, the role of reflective practice in professional development will be examined from both theoretical and practical angles. The module will focus on careers oriented tasks, including CV creation, mock interviews and job application guidance.

Principle Module Aims and Outcomes
  • To investigate the practicalities of working with adults, young people and children in professional settings.
  • To explore the role of professionals in services and organisations whose focus is working with children, young people or adults
  • To relate the workplace experience to personal and professional development
  • To investigate the role of reflection in the improvement and development of places of work, leadership structures and in the recognition and promotion of best practice
  • To connect personal roles to wider debates relating to childhood, education and society
  • To develop professional skills relating to future career paths and employability skills.

In taught sessions you will explore the professional characteristics of organisations who work with children, young people and their families in an educational capacity. This will include investigating the staffing and leadership structures of example organisations, their policies, their modes of work, professional roles and conduct. In addition, the role of reflective practice in professional development will be examined from both theoretical and practical angles. The module will focus on careers oriented tasks, including CV creation, mock interviews and job application guidance.

Study time
Type Required
Lectures 10 sessions of 1 hour (9%)
Seminars 10 sessions of 2 hours (17%)
Private study 85 hours (74%)
Total 115 hours
  Weighting Study Time
Essay-based assignment 75% 25 hours
In this essay-based assignment, students will be permitted to engage in personal reflection based upon their own experiences and ideas, alongside a critical engagement with appropriate academic and policy literature.
Individual Presentation 25% 10 hours
In this presentation, students will make reference to the work experience they have encountered. They are encouraged to make reference to the big and small steps they need to take to progress with their career planning and the development of their employability skills.