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Holly Heshmati

holly heshmati

Dr Holly Heshmati - Senior Teaching Fellow

Tel: 024 76 575845
Room: WA 1.05d
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Holly is the subject lead for maths and leads on the PG modules of the secondary PGCE. She supervises MA students as well as teaching on the undergraduate Warwick in Schools module. Holly shares the belief that students’ success at school can be driven, not by social background, but by the quality of education students receive.

Teacher Resilience is something Holly has researched and presented within various international conferences and seminars. She believes that developing teacher resilience can help with addressing issues related to wellbeing, heavy workload, and teacher attrition.

As a lead mentor for the Warwick in Africa outreach programme, Holly has worked with scholars and practitioners at an international level to drive changes and raise standards through creating inclusive classrooms.

At Warwick, Holly continues to explore opportunities to examine teaching, learning, and pre-service teacher education. She has extensive experience with online learning, designing curriculum, providing professional development to teachers, and integrating data and technology into the classroom.

Professional & Teaching Expertise
Teacher Education, Educational Research, Primary and Secondary Mathematics, Post 16 Education, Curriculum and Assessment Design.

Academic Interests & Teaching & Learning Specialisms
Holly holds a Master’s degree and PhD in Education, with her specialised field being the mathematics education. Her research and teaching specialisms are in the pedagogy of mathematics, development of mathematics subject knowledge in secondary schools, STEM teaching and learning, pre-service teacher education, impact of technology on teaching and learning, sociology of education, ethnomathematics and indigenous teacher education.

Selected Publications & Projects
Heshmati, H., Johnston Wilder, S. and Findon, M., 2020. Developing pre-service maths teachers’ resilience using the growth zone model. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 6(3/4), pp.162–183.

Heshmati, H. 2019. Empowering Pre-service Teachers to Develop Personal and Professional Resilience. In: Research in Action Conference. 16 Dec 2019, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Heshmati, H. 2019. Empowering in-service teachers to develop professional resilience. In: Teachers’ Conference. 28 June 2019, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Heshmati, H. 2019. Empowering pre-service teachers to develop resilience. In: 10th TEAN Conference. 9-10 May 2019, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

Heshmati, H. 2018. Developing Teacher Resilience Using the Growth Zone Model. In: Research in Action Conference. 17 Dec 2018, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Heshmati, H. 2018. Developing Teachers’ Resilience Using Growth Zone. In: 51st IPDA Conference. 16-17 Nov 2018, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

Heshmati, H., Johnston-Wilder, S. and Sinclair, B., 2018. Learners creating video revision resources to promote mathematics self-efficacy. In: F. Curtis, ed. British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.

Lee, C., Johnston-Wilder, S., Pardoe, S., Baker, J., Heshmati, H. and Nyama, J., 2018. Mathematical resilience workshop. In: British Congress for Mathematics Education. 3-6 April 2018, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Other Positions
• External Examiner: University of Sheffield
• Executive Editor: International Journal of Innovation in Education
• Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy