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Parallel 3



Presenter: Jen Murch, Director of Headway Alternative Provision Centre 

Title: From Reactive to Proactive: Evolving Trauma Informed Behaviour Management.

Outline: In this presentation, I will delve into the dynamic landscape of trauma-informed practice, shedding light on both its strengths and challenges. We will explore how adopting a trauma-informed approach empowers schools to create supportive environments, fostering resilience and healing. However, the journey comes with complexities, particularly in managing behaviour. I'll navigate the nuanced terrain of addressing behavioural challenges in educational settings, emphasising the need for empathy, understanding, and tailored strategies. Join me as we unravel the intricacies of trauma-informed practices and their impact on shaping a compassionate and effective school environment.

Phase: Primary and Secondary

Session Type: Seminar

Facilitator: Rebecca Friesen

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Session slides: Presentation


Presenter: Kate Foxon and Sarah Rose, Corley Centre, Coventry

Title: Adapting a Challenging Secondary Curriculum and Supporting Literacy for students with autism.

Outline: This seminar aims to identify some of the main barriers to learning encountered by students with autism within the context of the more challenging secondary curriculums they face. We will initially explore trainees' experiences of autism and co-occurring conditions with opportunities throughout the session to ask questions or seek clarity. A key focus will also be on how we can ensure that, as literacy skills are needed to access much of the curriculum, autistic students are able to navigate this through our adaptive teaching.

Phase: Secondary

Session Type: Seminar

Facilitator: Julie Taylor

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Session slides: PresentationLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window


Presenter: Bridget Thornhill, Senior Teacher for Dyslexia, Cognition and Learning Team at Nottinghamshire County Council 

Title: Identifying and Supporting Dyslexic Learners in Mainstream Settings.

Outline: The objectives of the session are:

To understand the Rose Definition of Dyslexia (2009): a discussion of the most widely recognised definition of dyslexia, as adopted by DfE and British Dyslexia Association.
To be able to identify learners with dyslexic traits in the classroom through early years to secondary school: the difficulties with reading and writing commonly displayed by dyslexic learners as well as their strengths.
To gain strategies to support reading and writing in the classroom: ideas and resources to create dyslexia friendly spaces where all learners can thrive regardless of the barriers associated with dyslexic type difficulties.

Phase: Primary and Secondary

Session Type: Webinar

Facilitator: Kate Hamer

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Session slides: PresentationLink opens in a new window, Dyslexia friendly booksLink opens in a new window, Dyslexia friendly classroom guideLink opens in a new window, Style guide for presentations


Presenter: Sam Kendall, Sherbourne Fields School.

Title: Communication Strategies and Techniques.

Outline: We will explore some of the common barriers young people with additional needs may face with regards to their communication, how we as practitioners can be mindful of this and some of the techniques and resources which can support a total communication environment.

Phase: Primary and Secondary

Session Type: Lecture

Facilitator: Mark Harris

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Presenter: Anne-Marie Brown and Hannah Weston, Coventry Primary Mental Health Service, RISE 

Title: Recognising and Managing Anxiety and Depression in Children and Young People.

Outline: Delivered by mental health practitioners, this session will provide you with some knowledge of and strategies to support students with a range of mental health issues.

Phase: Primary and Secondary

Session Type: Seminar

Facilitator: Anna Donnelly
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Session slides: Presentation