Primary & Early Years Essential Documentation
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Primary & Early Years Documentation (Training Year 2022-23)
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Programme Calendars
PLEASE NOTE: These calendars may be subject to change should any new Covid-19 guidelines or restrictions be put into place. |
Training Plans for 2022-23
Personalised Training Plan 2022-23 CORE |
Personalised Training Plan 2022-23 School Direct |
Collaborative Review Dates - (replacing Assessment Profiles)
Assessment Point 1 |
Assessment Point 2 |
Assessment Point 3 |
Assessment Point 4 |
Assessment Point 5 |
Assessment Point 6 |
CORE: School Direct: |
CORE: School Direct: |
CORE: Thurs 9 Feb 2023 School Direct: |
CORE: School Direct: |
CORE: School Direct: |
CORE: School Direct: |
Key Documentation (All Routes)
2022-23 |
Subject Specific Coaching Prompts |
Moderation Tutor Visit Log 22-23 |
Planning Documentation
Structured plans are provided to guide trainees' initial planning. As trainees gain experience, they are encouraged to adapt planning proformas to suit the learning objectives and context, with the aim of maximsing learning for all pupils.
Learning Plan for Primary and Early Years - blankLink opens in a new window
Learning Plan for Primary and Early Years with promptsLink opens in a new window
Early Years Learning Opportunities Plan
Phonics Planning ProformaLink opens in a new window - weekly
Phonics lesson planLink opens in a new window
Weekly Plan/Sequence of Learning PlanLink opens in a new window (Primary) NEW for Summer 22-23
Adult-Led Learning Plan (Early Years) NEW for Summer 22-23</em>Link opens in a new window
Planning for continuous provision in KS 1Link opens in a new window
Weekly Continuous provision plan - Early Years;
Record- Keeping Documentation
Record of Progress Over Time - 1Link opens in a new window week
Individual Pupil Record: Personal Development and Well beingLink opens in a new window
Early Years - Planning in the Moment RecordLink opens in a new window
Proformas to Support Trainees' Observations of Expert Colleagues in School
Proformas to guide trainees' observations of lessons.
Looking for Learning Observation ProformaLink opens in a new window
Early Years - observing children during child-initiated activities
Phonics Observation (any phase) without prompts
General Documentation
School Placement Handbook 22-23Link opens in a new window
Ofsted Initial Teacher Education Inspection Handbook 2020Link opens in a new window
Behaviour to Learn Checklist Link opens in a new window21-22- based on 'Developing behaviour management content for ITT'
Planning for a Teaching Assistant (Optional)Link opens in a new window
Documentation for Mentors
Lesson Observation FormLink opens in a new window (revised Summer 22-23)
Phonics Observation Form: Phases 2-6
Phonics Observation form: Phase 1 only
Resources to support trainees not meeting minimum expectations
Route Specific Documentation
University Led
Serial Day Placement
Autumn Placement Specific Documentation
Spring Placement Specific Documentation
Summer Placement Specific Documentation |
School Direct
Autumn Placement Specific Documentation
Spring Placement Specific DocumentationSpring Placement Guide |
Summer Placement Specific DocumentationSchool Direct Summer Placement GuideLink opens in a new window |