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Partnership Communications and Bulletin Archive


To subscribe to any of the bulletins listed below you can visit the link hereLink opens in a new window and select the bulletin you wish to join the mailing list for.

School Partnership Communications

  Director's Bulletin 04/04/2022Link opens in a new window
(Sent to All Partner Schools 04 April 2022)

  University Of Warwick CTE STP Opportunities
(Sent to All Partner Schools 26 January 2022)

  ITT Market Review Accreditation updateLink opens in a new window
(Sent to All Partner Schools 24 January 2022)

  Advanced notice of possible ITE Inspection from start of Spring Term
(Sent to All Partner Schools 01 December 2021)

  Early Career Framework Communication - Sent to All Partner Schools 26 May 2021

Advanced notice of possible ITE Partnership inspection from the start of the Summer term 2020-21
(Sent to All Partner Schools 22 March 2021)

Communications regarding the 2020-21 academic year

11 September 2020 (School Direct Lead Schools)

15 September 2020 (Briefing to All Partner Schools)

Partnership Matters Termly

A bulletin for all partnership colleagues containing updates from the wider sector, information on events and dates for you diary.

  06/07/2023 Partnership Matters Bulletin

  17/10/2023 Partnership Matters Bulletin

  22/11/2023 Partnership Matters Bulletin

  16/05/2024 Partnership Matters Bulletin

  20/06/2024 Partnership Matters Bulletin

Secondary Mentoring Matters -

A bulletin for Secondary Mentors with information on hosting trainees, upcoming deadlines and events

27/06/2024 Mentoring Matters #33Link opens in a new window

12/09/2024 Mentoring Matters #01Link opens in a new window

19/09/2024 Mentoring Matters #02Link opens in a new window

Primary Updates and Support Bulletin (for University-Led & School Direct)

17/06/2024 Bulletin #15Link opens in a new window

09/09/2024 Bulletin #01Link opens in a new window

Primary School Direct Communications

A bulletin sent to all mentors, class teachers, trainees and link tutors relating to the Primary School Direct course in 2021-22

08 November 2021 Email 
School Direct Additional Placement Guidance Autumn 2

The School Direct Admissions & Recruitment Newsletter

  Spring 2021 Issue

Primary & Early Years University-Led Placement Bulletin (Autumn)

A bulletin sent to all mentors, class teachers, trainees and link tutors relating to the Primary and Early Years course in 2021-22

  Friday 22 October 2021 #1 Friday 05 November 2021 #2 Friday 12 November 2021 #3
  Friday 26 November 2021


Primary & Early Years University-Led Placement Bulletins (Spring)

A bulletin sent to all mentors, class teachers, trainees and link tutors relating to the Primary and Early Years course in 2021-22

Primary & Early Years University-Led Placement Bulletins (Summer)

A bulletin sent to all mentors, class teachers, trainees and link tutors relating to the Primary and Early Years course in 2021-22