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Katie Collins (Avon Valley School) - ‘Efficacy of school-based interventions to support the development of self-esteem in secondary school children to reduce suspension rates and negative behaviours’.

K. Collins


Rachel CooperLink opens in a new window



I have 20 years teaching geography in schools in London and Warwickshire. I have also held a variety of different positions including, Head of Geography, Head of Faculty, Induction Tutor and Careers Lead. In my current role as Assistant Headteacher at The Avon Valley School I have responsibility for Teaching and Learning. I am committed to removing barriers that might affect the future of young people and have led a range of whole school projects to address this. My research project is to understand the link between self esteem and suspension rates as a result of school based interventions.

Further Reading:

Valdebenito, S., Eisner, M., Farrington, D.P., Ttofi, M.M. and Sutherland, A. (2019) What can we do to reduce disciplinary school exclusion? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of experimental criminology, 15(3), pp.253-28Link opens in a new window

Wells, A.E., Hunnikin, L.M., Ash, D.P. and Van Goozen, S.H. (2020) Low self-esteem and impairments in emotion recognition predict behavioural problems in children. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 42(4), pp.693-701Link opens in a new window

Rose, J., Gilbert, L., and McGuire-Snieckus, R. (2015). Emotion Coaching-a strategy for promoting behavioural self-regulation in children/young people in schools: A pilot study. The European Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Volume 13. Issue 2, p. 1766-1790.Link opens in a new window

Sebba, J., Berridge, D., Luke, N., Fletcher, J., Bell, K., Strand, S., Thomas, S., Sinclair, I., and Higgins, A. (2015) The Educational Progress of Looked After Children in England: Linking Care and Educational Data. Nuffield Foundation. Link opens in a new window

Dingwall, N., and J. Sebba (2018) The Rees Centre - Evaluation of The Attachment Aware Schools Programme Final Report. Oxford University Press: Oxford.Link opens in a new window