Sue Johnston-Wilder
Presenter affiliation(s)/organisation(s):
University of Warwick
Session title:
Addressing maths anxiety
Abstract/brief summary:
This session will be presented twice, once for those who would be happy to teach maths and once for those who tend to avoid maths themselves but come into contact with students. We will consider the origins of maths-specific anxiety and avoidance, and what can be done to build maths-specific resilience and maths-specific psychological safeguarding, both within class and across schools.
Supplementary resources:
- Addressing maths anxiety (11.15 am).pdf
- Addressing maths anxiety (13.45 pm).pdf
- 2-4 breathing
- Better ladder
- Relaxation vs stress
- Swan
- The growth zone model
- Siegel hand model of the the brain
- Help Your Child DO Maths even if you DON'T: 10 things that anyone can do to help their child with maths - Rosemary Russell
- A Toolkit for Teachers and Learners, Parents, Carers and Support Staff: Improving Mathematical Safeguarding and Building Resilience to Increase Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Mathematics
- Using the Growth Zone Model to limit the effect of mathematics anxiety on highly academic secondary students
- Stories of mathematical resilience: how some adult learners overcame affective barriers