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Adam Chapman

Adam Chapman photo - young man with brown hair wearing a white jumper smiling

Presenter affiliation(s)/organisation(s):

Senior Lecturer in Education – University of Northampton

Session title:

Exploring the perceptions of privacy and risk taking behaviour on social networking sites from young people living in Luton

Abstract/brief summary:

This session will explore perceptions of behaviour from the perspective of young people aged between 16-25 living in Luton, UK. This was part of a small scale research project that aimed to explore and understand young people’s behaviour online, a topic of interest within the field of Digital Sociology and Education. There will be some consideration of the identity of professionals within the education sector and the importance of maintaining a professional identity when working with children and young people in 2020.


Supplementary resources:

Exploring the perceptions of privacy and risk taking behaviour on social networking sites from young people living in Luton.pdf