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Georgina Newton and Holly Heshmati

Georgina Newton photo - woman with glasses on her head smiling Holly Heshmati photo - woman with dark hair wearing red and black

Presenter affiliation(s)/organisation(s):

CTE, Warwick

Session title:

Empowering preservice teachers to develop personal and professional resilience

Abstract/brief summary:

This presentation aims to explore practical strategies preservice teachers can use to develop personal and professional resilience. The session will also include a practical look at recent research on teacher well-being and the opportunity to boost own well-being. Participants will be introduced to the five aspects of resilience as a multi-dimensional construct. There will be a focus on the exercise of agency in employing practical strategies to overcome daily professional challenges. Additionally, the presentation discusses the possible implications for initial teacher education programmes, school leaders and preservice teachers as active agents to develop more resilience.


Supplementary resources:

Empowering preservice teachers to develop personal and professional resilience.pptx