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What's in our backyards? Environmental exposure, health, human capital, and housing values

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Location: Scarman Conference Centre, Warwick University

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20 October 2021, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (arrival from 1:45pm)
Scarman Conference Centre, University of Warwick
Half-day conference (in person and online)

Organiser: Ludovica Gazze

Numbers in person will be restricted.

A growing literature in economics shows that place plays a key role in perpetuating inequality along economic and racial lines. Where people live and work shapes every dimension of their lives, including the air they breathe. Environmental exposure affects individuals starting in utero, as well as throughout their formative and productive years, and even leaving a mark on their children and grandchildren. Yet, even green policies generate winners and losers. Understanding these distributional concerns is key to deploying effective policy.



Arrival (Tea & Coffee)


Session Chair: Welcome from Lucie Gadenne (CAGE Theme Leader)


Ludovica Gazze (CAGE, University of Warwick)
The Long-Run Spillover Effects of Pollution: How Exposure to Lead Affects Everyone in the Classroom'


Jonathan Colmer (University of Virginia) – Online
‘Economic Opportunity and the Environment’


Nanna Fukushima (Stockholm University and University of Stavanger)
'The UK Clean Air Act, black smoke, and infant mortality'


Stephen Jarvis (University of Mannheim and LSE)
‘The Economic Costs of NIMBYism: Evidence from Renewable Energy Projects’


Session Close: Lucie Gadenne

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