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Supply Capacity, Vertical Specialisation and Trade Costs: The Implications for Aggregate US Trade Flow Equations

Supply Capacity, Vertical Specialisation and Trade Costs: The Implications for Aggregate US Trade Flow Equations

14/2010 Menzie D Chinn
working papers,culture and development

14/2010 Menzie D Chinn

This paper re-examines aggregate and disaggregate import and export demand functions for the United States over the 1975q1-2010q1 period. This re-examination is warranted because (1) income elasticities are too high to be warranted by standard theories, and (2) remain high even when it is assumed that supply factors are important. These findings suggest that the standard models omit important factors. An empirical investigation indicates that the rising importance of vertical specialization combined with changing tariff rates and transportation costs explains some of results. Accounting for these factors yields more plausible estimates of income elasticities.

Culture and Development