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Characteristics of good careers information

With such a broad range of careers information available from so many sources, how do careers influencers, when asked to recommend a source, make a decision? What characteristics of good careers information should they consider?

Activity icon Using your own judgement, choose your top ten criteria and rate them on the matrix provided, 1 being the most significant and 10 being the least, for each of the client groups. You can give some equal ranking if you wish. There is no right or wrong answer, these are all characteristics of good information, but there are some general notes to read on completion of the exercise here.

Year 9 student choosing GCSE options
Year 11 student choosing post 16 options
Yr 12/13 student choosing options
Graduate Job Seeker
Year 10 STEM teacher
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assessment iconHaving completed the exercise, reflect on the experience. How easy or difficult was it to do? Were there any characteristics that you felt were missing from the list? Will it affect the way you view careers information sources? Note down any thoughts that want to keep.

Time to move on...

forward icon Now we have considered the characteristics of good careers information, let's move on to look at Top sources of careers information for the energy and utilities industries.