CJC member Azrini Wahidin to give keynote at
Women's Equality Party Manchester is organising a conference titled Offending Women? Women's Journeys Through The Criminal Justice System on 6 April 2019. CJC member Azrini Wahidin will be giving a keynote at the conference. For more details, click here.
CJC member Azrini Wahidin publishes article in The Prison Journal
CJC member Azrini Wahidin has published an article in The Prison Journal titled Menstruation as a Weapon of War: The Politics of the Bleeding Body for Women on Political Protest at Armagh Prison, Northern Ireland. To access, click here.
Throw away the key: 150 years of prison health and medicine
The Modern Records Centre (MRC) of Warwick University is hosting an exhibition titled Throw away the key: 150 years of prison health and medicine till 5 April 2019. The exhibition features archives on prison conditions and health, including sections focusing on mental health, enforced leisure, and the treatment of women and young people. For further details, click here.
CJC Member Jackie Hodgson Publishes Chapter in Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process
CJC member Professor Jackie Hodgson has published a book chapter with Dr Grace (Yu) Mou titled 'Empirical Approaches to Criminal Procedure'. The chapter appears in The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process edited by Darryl K. Brown, Jenia Iontcheva Turner, and Bettina Weisser.
Post Doctoral Opportunity in Poland (The Ulam Programme)
The Director of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced the call for applications to participate in The Ulam Programme. This is an opportunity for a foreign PhD holder to pursue postdoctoral research for 6-24 months in Poland. Scholars from the fields of law and/or criminology interested especially in Comparative Criminal Procedure, European Criminal Procedure, and International Criminal Law are invited to explore contacts at the University of Wroclaw, or more generally in other Polish higher education institutions. The deadline to submit a formal application is 23 April 2019. Further details can be accessed here.