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CJC member Laurène Soubise's paper published in Criminal Law Review

Laurène Soubise's new article on prosecutions in the magistrates' courts has been published in the November edition of the Criminal Law Review. Titled 'Prosecuting in the Magistrates' Courts in a Time of Austerity', the paper is based on Laurène's doctoral research project. The following is a brief blurb describing the paper:
Summary proceedings in the magistrates’ courts have always been a quicker and cheaper way to process minor criminal cases, compared to trial by jury at the Crown Court. Research studies have shown how defence lawyers have made those cases routine so that they could be processed rapidly and cost-effectively through the system. However, there has been little research on how the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) deals with magistrates’ court cases. Basing its analysis upon direct observations and interviews with CPS staff, this paper examines the impact of efficiency concerns and recent budget cuts on the way cases are prosecuted by the CPS at the magistrates’ court. It shows how, taking advantage of routinised defence practices, most of the CPS magistrates’ court advocacy has been delegated to Associate Prosecutors (APs). This delegation to less-qualified personnel reinforces the bureaucratisation of summary justice as it is based on decisions being made in the prosecutor’s office, instead of open court. In practice, oversight by Crown Prosecutors is limited as the constraints of court advocacy run against the rules governing APs powers.
Fri 10 Nov 2017, 00:13 | Tags: Laurène Soubise, Publication

October Prize Draw for OUP book ‘Criminology’

The October Prize Draw is for the OUP book ‘Criminology’, edited by BSC members Steve Case, Phil Johnson, David Manlow, Roger Smith, and Kate Williams. Thanks to OUP the British Society of Criminology (BSC) has TWO copies to give away. To enter please email with ‘Prize Draw – October’ in the subject line. The closing date is 31 October 2017. The draw will be made 1 November 2017. All entries are checked as being BSC members and then drawn randomly. We only contact the winner directly. Notice of the winner will be made in the BSC bulletin and on Twitter. A sample chapter can be accessed here.

Professor Jacqueline S. Hodgson presents paper at conference of the European Society of Criminology 2017

The 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology is currently being held in Cardiff, UK. In today's session, Professor Jacqueline S. Hodgson of the Warwick's Criminal Justice Centre presented a paper titled "The CCRC, the applicant and her lawyer: a disruption of procedural models".

Thu 14 Sep 2017, 18:16 | Tags: Conference, Public engagement, Publication

New Publication! The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law by Henrique Carvalho

The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law, a new book by Dr Henrique Carvalho, offers the latest addition to the Oxford Monographs on Criminal Law and Justice published by OUP (Oxford University Press).

This new book seeks to understand where the impulse for prevention in criminal law comes from, and why this preventive dimension seems to be expanding in recent times.

The series aims to cover all aspects of criminal law and procedure including criminal evidence and encompassing both practical and theoretical works.

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 13:11 | Tags: Publication, Punishment, Theoretical Research

New Book! Access to Justice and Legal Aid

Prof Jackie Hodgson and Asher Flynn from Monash have a new edited collection on 'Access to Justice and Legal Aid: Comparative Perspectives on Unmet Legal Need' published by Hart.

This book considers how access to justice is affected by restrictions to legal aid budgets and increasingly prescriptive service guidelines.

As common law jurisdictions, England and Wales, and Australia, share similar ideals, policies and practices, but they differ in aspects of their legal and political culture, in the nature of the communities they serve and in their approaches to providing access to justice. These jurisdictions thus provide us with different perspectives on what constitutes justice and how we might seek to overcome the burgeoning crisis in unmet legal need.

The book fills an important gap in existing scholarship as the first to bring together new empirical and theoretical knowledge examining different responses to legal aid crises both in the domestic and comparative contexts, across criminal, civil and family law. It achieves this by examining the broader social, political, legal, health and welfare impacts of legal aid cuts and prescriptive service guidelines. Across both jurisdictions, this work suggests that it is the most vulnerable groups who lose out in the way that law is now done in the 21st century.

The book is essential reading for all those interested in access to justice and legal aid.

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