Call for papers: Conference on the Global Travels of Knowledge on the Criminal Question (1850/1950).
|The Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory and the Crime and Society Program, Universidad Nacional del Litoral will be hosting an international conference on the Global Travels of Knowledge on the Criminal Question (1850/1950) on September 8-9 2022.
The conference will be hybrid and there will be simultaneous translation allowing for either English or Spanish presentations.
Paper proposals Paper proposals can be written in Spanish or English and must have a maximum length of two pages, including the title, abstract and basic academic data of the author(s) – place of work, research project in which it is inscribed, undergraduate and postgraduate training, etc.
The deadline for submitting these proposals will be May 15, 2022 and they must be sent to the email:
The acceptance of these proposals will be communicated before May 31, 2022.
Final papers may not exceed 8000 words, including notes and references. They must be sent to the same email address by August 1, 2022 .
More details and the full call for papers can be found at this link.
Report Published: UK’s future relationship with the EU after Brexit in the areas of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
The European Parliament has recently published a research paper on the future EU-UK relationship in the field of Police Cooperation and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters. This study was supported by, among others, Warwick CJC's Professor Jackie Hodgson. The paper can be accessed in full here.