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Say My Name virtual symposium 2022

Our names are a key part of our identity but very often their importance is underestimated as is the harm that can be caused by having our names avoided, changed or routinely mispronounced. This three hour online symposium sought to explore the place of names in respectful communications and inclusive institutions, and practical strategies to bring about change. We invited submissions from those in higher education and beyond who may have ideas that could help build inclusive practices around names in learning institutions. We were also interested in learning about projects which may feature names as part of a wider initiative.

The symposium was open externally as well as to Warwick staff and students.

  • To bring together researchers and academics, professionals services staff, and students with an interest in this area.
  • To promote and uplift research to share ideas and best practices, and to create opportunities for delegates to gain further knowledge and skills;
  • To identify areas for collaboration in the future.

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Symposium recording

The transcript unedited at the moment

Symposium recording outline

Say My Name Symposium outline

18 February 10:00-13:00 GMT



Jane Bryan, University of Warwick

Opening Comments and Say My Name research at Warwick

Presentation Slides:

00:00 -

Lee-Ann Sequeira, LSE

Why I Deliberately Mispronounce My Own Name

Padlet of sources 


Sawsan Khuri and Gulsen Guler, Collaborative Capacities

Can I call you Sally? Do you have a nickname?


Rachel Forsyth, Lund University

In Their Own Words: Using Student Testimony to Support Staff Change

'I felt invisible' Presentation video


Chiko Bwalya, Students’ Union, Bournemouth University

The Say My Name Safety Pledge


Jane Pilcher, Nottingham Trent University

Say My Name: Institutional Responses

Presentation Slides


Ifrah Salih and Jacqui Brewster, Sheffield Hallam University

Understanding the Importance of Each Other’s Names: Practical Exercise

Presentation Slides

Practical Exercise


Leonardo Morantes-Africano and Toni Philips, Newcastle College University Centre

The Power of Gendered Language in Educational Institutions

Presentation Slides


Donna Hurford and Andrew Read

Current HE Practice in Diversifying Reading Lists

Presentation Slides

Padlet of decolonising sources


Jane Bryan, University of Warwick

Closing Statements

For questions, please contact Dr. Jane Bryan