Say My Name research
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The research
We carried out a survey exploring interactions around names with staff and students during July 2021. We also conducted 1-2-1 interviews with staff and students to explore key themes from the survey in more detail.
Guide to respecting names
In our research, we heard from many staff and students with names many find unfamiliar. Here are some tips on how respect names in interactions here.
Symposium announcement
We hosted a symposium on Feb 18 2022 bringing together research and projects that centre around or feature a focus on names in any way. See the recordings here.

Explore student research
We highlight student led projects which explore themes relevant to our research.
Say Their Names: Black Lives Matter
This resource provides full name audio files for a partial list of Black Americans killed by police. It is intended to support those who are encouraging the public to hear and say these names, to help recognize their humanity, memorialize them, and raise awareness of racial injustice. It is also intended to support the correct pronunciation of these names in national discourse.
The names are sourced from a list maintained by NPR CodeSwitchLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window as well as requests from the community.