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The Future of Work

Programme overview

In this course, we shall employ the tools of normative political philosophy to explore how labour market policymakers should respond to the threats and opportunities associated with technological change, paying particular attention to the diversity of reasons, ideals, and values that justify and constrain the exercise of political power in this domain. We explore the role that work should play in our lives and the proper goals of labour market policies.

We will learn about a variety of policy disputes relating to social justice and the future of work. Participants will be encouraged to develop and defend their own views about the moral significance of work, as well as what role policy should play in regulating the labour market of the future. The aim is to construct philosophical arguments for and against a variety of policies, and to learn how to respond to arguments of others in a way that is both constructive and critical.

Programme content

  • Comprehend and critically analyse complex arguments relating to the labour market and its regulation;
  • provide an account of your considered judgements about the issues discussed, taking account of a variety of opposing arguments and perspectives; and
  • construct your own sustained argument relating to social and economic values, and defend it against sceptics, using arguments from other disciplines where appropriate.