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Seminars 07-08

10th October: A discussion of Daniel Butt's article, 'On Benefiting from Injustice', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 37 (2007), 129-152.

17th October: A discussion of Amartya Sen's article, 'Elements of a Theory of Human Rights', Philosophy and Public Affairs, 32 (2004), 315-356.

24th October: A discussion of Nancy Fraser's 'After the Family Wage', in her Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the 'Postsocialist' Condition (New York: Routledge, 1997)

31st October: Victor Tadros (Law, University of Warwick), 'Two Theories of Criminalization: the Case of Terrorist Offences'.

7th November: No meeting

14th November: Octavio Ferraz (Law, University of Warwick), 'Poverty and Human Rights'.

21st November: Kai Spiekermann (Philosophy, University of Warwick), 'Moral Theory and Feasibility Constraints'.

28th November: Andrew Mason (Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton), 'Justice, Holism, and Principles'.

5th December: A discussion of Scanlon's paper 'Blame'.


Programme for Spring Term 2008

16th January: A discussion of Sonu Bedi's paper, 'What's is so Special About Religion? The Dilemma of the Religion Exemption'.

23rd January: A discussion of Dworkin's paper, 'Responsibility without Freedom'.

30th January: Fabienne Peter (PAIS, University of Warwick), 'Pure Epistemic Proceduralism'.

6th February: A discussion of Pinker's article, 'The Moral Instinct', The New York Times, 13 January 2008.

13th February: No meeting

20th February: Jonathan Quong (Politics, University of Manchester), 'Killing in Self-Defence'.

16th February: Mike Otsuka (Philosophy, UCL), 'Equality not Priority'.

27th February: A discussion of Roemer's, 'Impartiality, Solidarity, and Distributive Justice'.

5th March: Clare Chambers (Philosophy, University of Cambridge), 'Feminism, Liberalism, and Marriage'.

11th March: Avery Kolers (Philosophy, University of Louisville), 'Sustainability and State Legitimacy'.

12th March: Paul Bou-Habib (Government, University of Essex), 'Supplementing the Lifetime View'.