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The Tomorrow Project

The Centre has formed a new alliance with the Tomorrow Project (TTP), which supports people and organisations in thinking about the long-term future of people’s lives. As part of the new partnership with the Economic and Social Research Council, TTP is producing a book for joint ESRC/TTP publication in November 2007, provisionally entitled ‘Globalisation in the Twenty-First Century’.The targeted audiences will be senior executives in the private, voluntary and public sectors, journalists, researchers, think-tanks, teachers, graduate students and the informed public.  Taking a dozen or so themes, the book will provide non-specialists with a ‘map’ of globalisation into which to place themselves – ‘Where have we come from?’, ‘Where are we going?’, ‘What do we need to think about?’The Centre is working closely with TTP on this project: Mike Moynagh of TTP has a visiting fellowship with the Centre, which is represented on the Steering Group for the project. If you are interested in contributing to the project, which is undertaking a series of consultations, please contact Richard Worsley on richard.worsley2@btinternet.comMore information about the Tomorrow Project and its online database of emerging trends, GLIMPSES of the future, may be found on, together with its latest bulletin. To join the Tomorrow Network (free of charge) for briefings and invitations to TTP events, email Richard Worsley, as above.