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An Ethnographic Exploration Into the Everyday Politics of Undocumented Vietnamese Migrants in the UK

An Ethnographic Exploration Into the Everyday Politics of Undocumented Vietnamese Migrants in the UK

Key contacts: Dr Seb Rumsby

Funding: Independent Social Research Foundation

Project overview

This project will be the combine in-depth interviews with ethnographic observation to explore the everyday political economy of undocumented Vietnamese migrants in the UK. Specifically, I will investigate the following questions:

  1. How do undocumented Vietnamese migrants understand and navigate communal/kinship-based/close relationships of exploitation?
  2. What alliances or animosities exist between various subsectors of the UK Vietnamese population?
  3. How are gender relations affected by new divisions of labour entailing migration and undocumented life?
  4. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the above dynamics and survival strategies of those without access to welfare benefits?