Information for Teaching Assistants
How do I apply to be a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)?
A call will go round by email late in the Summer term inviting current PGR students to apply for teaching positions. The advert will be published on the University's HR portal and applications can be submitted here.Link opens in a new window
How do I apply for teaching if I am already on a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) contract?
A call will go round by email in the late summer term inviting expressions of interest for GTA’s who are already employed under the GTA scheme. The department will ask GTA’s to indicate the modules you are interested in teaching from the list supplied. The application form for current GTA’s can be found by following the link on the right hand side of the page (GTA: current teaching assistants only)
How do I apply to be a Sessional Teaching Assistant (STA)?
A call will go round by email late in the Summer term inviting expressions of interest for those who have been awarded their PhD. You will need to supply the information required: a teaching CV specifying what you take to be your AOS (Areas of Specialisation) and AOC (Areas of Competence), a 300 word statement of your teaching philosophy, and an indication of the modules you are interested in teaching. You will have more chance of success if you are reasonably flexible about this. The application form can be found by following the link on the right hand side of the page (STP only).
When am I eligible to be a Teaching Assistant?
Normally from your 2nd year of PhD study onwards, subject to your supervisor’s consent that you are able to teach during your writing up year. Many graduates continue to teach after submitting their PhD while on the job market.
Do I need my supervisor’s permission to apply?
Your supervisor will be consulted on your suitability and readiness for teaching, particularly in light of your progress on, and the likely consequences for, your PhD. Given this you should seek your supervisor’s backing in advance.
When can I expect to hear whether my application is successful or not?
It is often not possible to confirm teaching till late in the summer, where you will be notified by email. Much also depends on the reliability of TAs themselves in not reneging on teaching they have accepted. Please see * below.
How can I find out if additional teaching becomes available during the year?
Additional teaching will be advertised by the TA co-ordinator to the current TA/STA email list. In the absence of applications from anyone internal able and qualified to take it on, the department will advertise externally.
What happens if I have anxieties/reservations about the teaching I have been assigned?
*You are encouraged to seek your supervisor’s guidance at the time of applying: If you have any reservations about the teaching you have been assigned please discuss these with your supervisor before accepting, rather than reneging later. There have been serious problems in the past with Teaching Assistants successfully seeking teaching, and then pulling out at extremely short notice before the beginning of term, as the reality of balancing their research and teaching commitments begins to bite. TAs should appreciate that this does not enhance their professional standing in the dept, and will be taken into account when future teaching is allocated. Sometimes circumstances do change unavoidably, of course, but you should think hard about what you accept when accepting, rather than later.