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Term 3 course materials 2015/16

h dot lerman at warwick dot ac dot uk
Office hour: Friday 14:00-15:00. Weeks 1 and 2 at S2.40; weeks 3-4 at S2.48.
Week 5: Wednesday, 16:00-18:00; Thursday 11:0-12:00, at S2.48
Week 6: Tuesday, 17:00-18:00, at S2.40


Barker-Plummer, Barwise & Etchemendy Language, Proof and Logic (CSLI publications, Stanford).

Please note: you do NOT need a new copy of the book in order to submit exercises for electronic marking (unlike previous years we are trying out a new system for submitting logic exercises).

Further reading

Seminars for 2015-16

Seminars start in week 1.

Please sign up for a seminar group using Tabula.


For the first seminar please submit the exercises associated with lecture 1.

For the second seminar please submit the exercises associated with lectures 2 and 3; for the third, the exercises for lectures 4 and 5; and so on.


Past exams with sample answers

2011 June: [paper] [answers]
2011 September: [paper] [answers]
2012 June: [paper] [answers]

Past papers from PH126 are also relevant; there are 8 complete papers with answers.