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NSS Results: 82% Overall Satisfaction for Philosophy at Warwick

Thanks to all of our students, recent graduates and staff for our good results in the 2015 National Student Survey (NSS). The NSS is completed by finalists, throughout the UK, and is a key component of league tables published in the media.

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved an overall satisfaction rating of 82 per cent for studying philosophy at Warwick. This was achieved through a 76 per cent response rate.

Other key NSS headlines for philosophy include:

• 94% of respondents said that our staff are good at explaining things (up 3% on previous year)

• 92% said that staff are enthusiastic about what they teach (up 9% on the previous year)

• We have also had significant increases in students saying they received detailed comments on their work (up 14% on the previous year), that they received sufficient advice and support with their studies (up 10%) and that students found that good advice was available to them when they needed to make choices about their studies (up 14%), compared with the 2014 NSS results for the department.

• Philosophy at Warwick ranks in the top ten of the Russell Group in the 2015 NSS in the following areas: 4th for learning resources, 9th for making the subject interesting, and 9th for delivering detailed comments on students' work.

We look forward to working with our excellent community of students and staff to build on these results and continue to make studying philosophy at Warwick thoroughly rewarding for our students. We will work closely with our SSLC to identify further improvements we can make to enhance our students' experience of studying philosophy at Warwick.

Starting in 2015/16, we have a new Director of Student Experience and Progression who will work in partnership with students and staff to improve the experience of our students and to ensure continued improvements to teaching quality, assessment and feedback, and personal development.

Thu 13 Aug 2015, 14:09 | Tags: Home Page Staff Undergraduate

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