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Marc Sanders Foundation Public Philosophy Award 2018

To be eligible for the prize of the published essay, participants must submit a copy of their essay, together with publication details, to: An article counts as 'published' as long as it is published between the date of 16 September 2017 and the deadline for the competition, 15 September 2018. An article featured on a personal website does not count as published. However, an article on a public website may count as published; decisions will be made on a case by case basis. Candidates can include any qualifiying information in the body of the submission email. Long-form submissions will be preferred, but articles of any length will be considered. There is no restriction to any areas of philosophy. Unlike other Marc Sanders Prizes, this prize is not restricted to junior candidates.

Please submit unpublished essays, anonymised for blind review, to Long-form essays (minimum 2,500 words, maximum 7,000 words) with significant philosophical content or method by authors with significant philosophical training will only be considered for this category Essays should be written to engage the general reader and there is no restriction to any area of philosophy. There is no restriction to junior candidates and philosophers at any career stage are encouraged to submit. Previously published essays will not be considered for this prize.


The Award Committee is Chaired by Susan Wolf (UNC Chapel Hill). The Committee will also include Ken Taylor (Stanford University and Philosophy Talk) and Barry Maguire (Stanford University).

Tue 29 May 2018, 11:28 | Tags: Home Page