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New Appointment and UKRI Fellowship Success - Dr Richard Moore

We are delighted to announce that Dr Richard Moore will be joining the Warwick Philosophy Department on a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship.

The prestigious UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships are awarded to top researchers in the UK. They provide full funding for a maximum period of seven years. Richard's project will utilise the tools of philosophy, linguistics, and psychology to formulate a new account of the developmental relationship between 'mind reading' and communication. Commenting on this exciting area of research, Richard Moore says: "Mind reading, involving the use of a 'theory of mind' (ToM) is the ability to attribute mental states to others to predict and explain their behaviour. Humans are better at this than other species, but the origins of uniquely human forms of ToM are disputed".

Richard will take up his Fellowship and move to the University of Warwick early in 2020.

Mon 25 Nov 2019, 16:23 | Tags: Home Page, Research