Modernism and the Emotions 2007 Registration Form
University of Warwick
Centre for Research in Philosophy and Literature
Modernism and the Emotions
Friday 1 June 2007
Registration Form
Please complete the form below in BLOCK CAPITALS:
Full Name: .........................................................................................................
Affiliation: ..........................................................................................................
Address: ...........................................................................................................
Email Address:...................................................................................................
Telephone Number: ..........................................................................................
Fax Number: .....................................................................................................
Registration Fee: £7 unwaged; £15 waged.
Free entry to Warwick students.
Please Note: Payments may only be made in cash or cheque, and must reach the Department of Philosophy
by 27 May 2007.
If you wish to attend the conference dinner at Scarman House, please enclose payment of £15.00 (cheques payable to: 'University of Warwick')
By Cheque:
Please write your cheque (for the appropriate amomnt) payable to the 'University of Warwick' and return,
along with a completed registration form to:
Lynda Hemsley
Research & Finance Secretary
Department of Philosophy
University of Warwick
(United Kingdom)
Tel: +44 (0) 24765 23421
Fax: +44 (0) 24765 23019