Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and The Arts Events, 2019/2020
Unless otherwise stated, CRPLA seminars take place on Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm in Room S0.11 (ground floor of Social Studies). All welcome. For further information, please contact Diarmiud Costello: Diarmuid.Costello@warwick.ac.uk
Thu 1 Oct, '20- |
Postgraduate Induction 2020/21MS Teams10.00am-11.30am: Postgraduate Morning Induction (all new postgraduate students) 1.00pm-2.15pm: MA and MPhil Induction 1pm-2.15pm: PhD Induction |
Fri 2 Oct, '20 |
Postgraduate Welcome Conference 2020MS TeamsProgramme: 9.30am-10.30am: Speaker: Will Gildea Title: 'Misfortune, Modality and Moral Status' Respondent: Sameer Bajaj 11.00am-12.00pm Speaker: Beatrice Pagliarone Title: 'On Thought Insertion' Respondent: Chenwei Nie 1.30pm-2.30pm Speaker: Irene Dal Poz Title: 'Security Between Normality and Exceptionality' Respondent: Miguel de Beistegui 3.00pm-4.00pm Speaker: Chris Earley Title: 'Hypothesis Generators: Insight and Autonomy in Contemporary Art' Respondent: Eileen John |
Fri 1 Oct, '21- |
Department of Philosophy Postgraduate Welcome Conference |
Fri 30 Sept, '22- |
Philosophy Department PG ConferenceS0.21, Social Sciences, Ground FloorProgramme 10.00-11.00 Ke Xia "Rousseau's Paradox of Property" Response: Ben Ferguson 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break 11.30-12.30 Chris Earley "Political Art, Artistic Exceptionalism, and Humility" Response: Karen Simecek 12.30-1.30 Lunch 1.30-2.30 Brigid Evans "Sexual Scripts: innocence, deviance, and oppression" Response: Sameer Bajaj 2.30-3.00 Coffee Break 3.00-4.00 Oscar North-Concur "What is the point of objectivity in ethics?" Response: Johannes Roessler |
Fri 29 Sept, '23- |
PG Welcome DinnerScarmanThis dinner will be open to all of our new PG students. Please could we ask any staff wishing to come along to sign up via this online form so we have an idea of numbers: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/philosophy/intranets/postgraduatehome/welcomepostgraduates/graduatebuffet |
Sat 30 Sept, '23- |
PG Welcome ConferenceOpen to all PG students and staff but again please do register if you are coming so we can make sure we order enough lunch and meet any dietary requirements! 10:30AM-11:30AM Ben Campion, “Collaboration and Trust in Photography” Commentator: Ben Ferguson
11:45AM- 12:45PM Ying Xue, “Does Universality Matter to Freedom? -- A Comparison Between Hegel and Harry Frankfurt” Commentator: Nadine Elzein
12:45- 1:45PM Lunch
1:45AM-2:45PM Chris Bowling, “The Genealogy of Morals as a 'Critical History’” Commentator: Tim Stoll
2:45PM-3:15PM- Break
3:15PM-4:15PM: Maria Zanella, “Could Sadness be a Bodily Feeling?” Commentator: Johannes Roessler |